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Changing user name???


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Old September 26th, 2012, 14:38   #46
We could change it to Connor Reah if you like?
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Old September 27th, 2012, 17:28   #47
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Drake and MadMorbius,

Your abuse of power as admins is seriously pathetic and your lack of character is astonishing. These guys just asked if their damn usernames could be changed and you take that and give them ridiculous names and when they ask it to be changed to something more of their liking, you just say "you'll think about it". Some are meeting other airsoft people in this community and look unprofessional because they have to introduce themselves as these stupid mal-thought out names. You could have just said no if you didn't want to change their names, which is obviously very simple since you've done it repeatedly. You guys give airsofters a bad name, when newbies trying to join the sport get treated like this on the forums. This isn't high school, so stop acting like idiots and stop this bullshit.

BTW, I know you're probably going to change my username, but as it currently states, I don't care at all, it only makes you both look more pathetic. Ban me and I'll just register as another user...continue and maybe your names will be changed too, who knows what will happen...
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Old September 27th, 2012, 17:41   #48
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Originally Posted by IDontCare View Post
Drake and MadMorbius,

Your abuse of power as admins is seriously pathetic and your lack of character is astonishing. These guys just asked if their damn usernames could be changed and you take that and give them ridiculous names and when they ask it to be changed to something more of their liking, you just say "you'll think about it". Some are meeting other airsoft people in this community and look unprofessional because they have to introduce themselves as these stupid mal-thought out names. You could have just said no if you didn't want to change their names, which is obviously very simple since you've done it repeatedly. You guys give airsofters a bad name, when newbies trying to join the sport get treated like this on the forums. This isn't high school, so stop acting like idiots and stop this bullshit.

BTW, I know you're probably going to change my username, but as it currently states, I don't care at all, it only makes you both look more pathetic. Ban me and I'll just register as another user...continue and maybe your names will be changed too, who knows what will happen...
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Old September 27th, 2012, 17:41   #49
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OR we can ip ban you and everyone in your surronding area and let it be knowned that you are the one responsible for the blackout. Then we just have to grab the popcorn and watch thwme witch hunt... Something asc is very very good at an always provide some interesting entertainment.

Would not be the first time it happens...
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old September 27th, 2012, 17:43   #50
Oh good, it's been at least an hour since I've been called a tyrant...

Vondnik, yes, we could lock out the entire University of Toronto IP range. Might cut down on the noise around here.

Last edited by MadMorbius; September 27th, 2012 at 17:59..
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Old September 27th, 2012, 17:59   #51
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Seriously pathetic, getting banned for speaking out against your abuse of power, you must think you're really cool...

And vondnik, that doesn't even deserve a proper response.

Funny how speaking your mind and calling people out on their crap gets you band here. What sorry excuse for people you admins have been.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 18:00   #52
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IDontcare is right! Let's revolt against the admins! We can't let them have the power over us. Let's take ownership of the names given to us, and show them we do not fear their name changing tyranny.
Jordan, from now on, you will walk up to newbies with pride, and with a loud and command voice tell them "hi there, send me a message on ASC. My username is Mike Litoris". For you shall not feel shame any more. You will not break under their oppression. You will rise up, prove to them that though they can take away the name you registered with, they can not take away your spirit! YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old September 27th, 2012, 18:07   #53
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Originally Posted by freespeech View Post
Seriously pathetic, getting banned for speaking out against your abuse of power, you must think you're really cool...

And vondnik, that doesn't even deserve a proper response.

Funny how speaking your mind and calling people out on their crap gets you band here. What sorry excuse for people you admins have been.
Alrighty, we need to calm down a bit and look at this from a rational perspective.

Our mods are not terrible admins, nor do they ban people because they speak their mind. They banned you because you are being abusive, and have obviously missed the humour and sarcasm in this thread.

Based on your post count, you probably haven't been here long. I can then assume, therefore, that you don't know how we work. It's a running joke in the community, and I'm sure that the admins are going to restore all the people here's names. You need to calm down and see below the obvious, instead of looking at one post and raging your ass off.

I appreciate your opinion and your care for the members of this forum, but this really isn't what it seems. You also really need to chill. XD

Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
IDontcare is right! Let's revolt against the admins! We can't let them have the power over us. Let's take ownership of the names given to us, and show them we do not fear their name changing tyranny.
Jordan, from now on, you will walk up to newbies with pride, and with a loud and command voice tell them "hi there, send me a message on ASC. My username is Mike Litoris". For you shall not feel shame any more. You will not break under their oppression. You will rise up, prove to them that though they can take away the name you registered with, they can not take away your spirit! YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
You, sir, just made my week. XD
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Old September 27th, 2012, 18:13   #54
No man, I'm a fucking TYRANT! Don't you know I've got nothing better to do than chase snot-nosed UofT students who think they're being oppressed? Christ, I was playing Airsoft while you were in diapers.

Now seriously...I have beers with Gary Pitcher and Rob Messacar smarten the fuck up.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 18:25   #55
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MadMorbius, your profile photo is so fitting. XD
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Old September 27th, 2012, 18:49   #56
will always be Mike Litoris in our hearts
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!

That is classic!

Well I found a signature now.

Last edited by jordan7831; September 27th, 2012 at 18:51..
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Old September 27th, 2012, 19:28   #57
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This thread fucking delivers.

We should have a "if I was admin topic" where people can post the ways in which they'd abuse their powers. The most cruel suggestions get picked as forum moderators.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 20:41   #58
You know what's pathetic? Someone that's so upset about having his name changed on an airsoft forum that he registers 4 separate accounts in order to post dumb shit because he thinks it bothers us...where each account also requires creation of a unique email address. So this clown is registering email addresses just so he can keep creating new accounts, only to have them banned.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 21:02   #59
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I kinda wanted to get my user name changed because I didn't realised that English speakers don't understand the sound of the letter "LL" when I registered... :P

Oh well too bad.

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Old September 27th, 2012, 21:16   #60
Of course we can change user names; We do it all the'll note that this kind of thing only happens to drama queens who post about how it sucks so bad that they gave themselves a ridiculous name, and want it changed because it's dawned on them that the name they go by here is the name they'll be known by on the field. You'll also note, the OP didnt' have his name mod-changed at all, only those who literally asked for it after the fact.

"Oh look, I just did something dumb and I need you to drop everything you're doing to unfuck my mistake for me...what do you mean no? Well fuck you then, I'M BEING OPPRESSED! DOWN WITH TRANNY!"

I know, it's remarkable...ASTOUNDING things can get done if you just ask NICELY, instead of demanding things with some sense of entitlement, like the staff here owes you something. Like we're paid employees, and you're a paying customer. Send a PM for of us will probably help you out...if we've had enough coffee.

Here's a tip: being NICE to the staff might lead us to help you out, but being a dick absolutely guarantees that you're going to get fucking ZERO support or sympathy. Our (unpaid) job is to keep things keep the peace, to ensure the board rules are enforced and the board is running. Absent from this discription of our duties is any requirement for us to fix mistakes YOU make, such as choosing a stupid name on registration, and we absolutely reserve the right to have a little fun at your expense, as payment for the work we're required to do to assist we've done for many, MANY others on this site, all in good fun, and until now, with a surprising lack of drama over the issue.

Last edited by MadMorbius; September 27th, 2012 at 21:26..
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