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New z87.1-2010 ratings may be insufficient


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Old March 23rd, 2015, 15:53   #31
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Aotearoa
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Yeah but that's not how insurance companies work when you're trying to sue someone for their glasses breaking.
What's the ballistic rating on those glasses? 1j
What muzzle energy was the airsoft gun you were shot with shooting at? 2.04j

That's what lawyers refer to as a "slam dunk"

This has nothing to do with whether or not the glasses WILL protect you, it's about what they're RATED to protect you from.
And what makes you think safety glasses company are stupid enough to advertise their product as "airsoft ready" by merely following ANSI Z87? If they never made the claim, there can never be a court-case. This is why no eyewear product company will actually advertise their product as airsoft-ready unless it is goggles. It is usually commercial folks who do try to market safety spectacles being adequate for airsoft safety to earn the short-sighted buck.

The whole citing of Z87 ifor airsoft protection is full retard anyway. Have anyone actually read the title of the safety standard? "American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection Devices". It's not not actually meant to be used for airsofting or protect you from being shot at in combat - though the standard itself can be used to draw inference for airsoft safety.

In fact, the only "airsoft-ready" eyewear product that that is ever advertised is the ESS Profile goggles with Cortex clip. Which is rated as a Class 3 Goggles under the MCEP APEL programme - which is basically rated to take 3 shots of 0.22 calibre repeatedly without breaking. And funnily enough, is 2.8mm Polycarb in main lens construction. And almost fully sealed.

Last edited by Amoki; April 5th, 2015 at 05:37..
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