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BB's preference ?!!'


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Old September 16th, 2013, 11:53   #31
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Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
I use C-tac .28g bio to plink in my back yard. they are a good quality bb, made with high tolerances. 5.95mm +/- .01. the only thing they're missing is the double polish. they only polish once.
How can you tell if it has been double polish?
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Old September 16th, 2013, 11:55   #32
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It'll say "BB Bastard" on the bag lol
It is actually a noticeable difference in shine, the bastards are the closest mirror finish I've seen on a BB.
Others are either eggshell or satin finish, Bastards are clearly high gloss
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Old September 16th, 2013, 12:25   #33
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
interesting... who stocks their .3s?
Bent Barrel Airsoft carries them:

They used to have free shipping but that no longer seems to be the case, unfortunately.
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Old September 16th, 2013, 12:30   #34
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And ASCmart carries the Bastard sniper rounds. Also the bastard site has their nites and pearls I believe.

Usually what happens is your gun will be in range for two weight classes. For instance mine runs best off of 0.28g or 0.30g. The decision is, wether you want accuracy or speed more than the other. Indoors is really transitory, as you the closed distance will likely any speed/accuracy effects you can notice, so just stick with what your gun likes, and you'll be ready if you find yourself in a longer range situation.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old September 16th, 2013, 21:48   #35
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
It'll say "BB Bastard" on the bag lol
It is actually a noticeable difference in shine, the bastards are the closest mirror finish I've seen on a BB.
Others are either eggshell or satin finish, Bastards are clearly high gloss
^this. it's got a shiny finish, but it's no bastard. The "crush" and "cut" test returned favourable results as well.
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Old September 16th, 2013, 22:03   #36
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Madbull manufactures their own bbs, whereas BBB has them made for them from a Taiwan company and sticks their label on the bags. A lot of airsoft companies do this in this industry.

Madbull can make what ever bb weight they choose. If you want 0.43, Madbull has it.
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Madbull doesn't OEM BB's. They have another company to OEM them.

Can't say anything about BBB but for sure MB get's their OEM'ed by another company.
Soooo many opinions.

What to believe?
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Old September 17th, 2013, 00:13   #37
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Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
Soooo many opinions.

What to believe?
Not an opinion, it's fact. Look up "Lien Sheng plastic industries Co." Realistically there's only like 5 BB manufacturers at most, everyone just get's them to OEM for them. Just like bikes, realistically there's only like 4 or 5 companies that make up a major part of the bike market and only a handful that make their own frames in house. Giant OEM's a LOT of frames.
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Last edited by L473ncy; September 17th, 2013 at 00:15..
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Old September 17th, 2013, 00:40   #38
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Velocity bbs are my favorite. I used bastards but the bbs curved while the velocity ones didnt
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Old September 17th, 2013, 01:44   #39
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If anyone has held both the King Arms and Madbull packaging for their .20 to .28's, it looks like the packaging is the exact same dimensions with just some different graphics and design on the bag. Same for the King Arms and Madbull .40's & .36's which incidentally share identically BB colors and same bottle for packaging. I'm inclined to believe that Madbull and King Arms share the same OEM
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Old September 17th, 2013, 05:33   #40
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Originally Posted by Shraykin View Post
Velocity bbs are my favorite. I used bastards but the bbs curved while the velocity ones didnt
Strange, The Velocity are knuckle balls for me and the Bastards Are perfect.
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Old September 17th, 2013, 06:52   #41
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Not an opinion, it's fact.
What I mean by that is, one person says Brand A buys their BB's from overseas, but Brand X makes them in house and they are better.
Then another person says, Brand X also buys their BB's from overseas so brand A is still better.

So you read, and listen and read and decide on a brand that you think is superior and while you're loading your gun at an event someone walks by and says, Brand Q is better.

Seems almost better to just pick a brand you like and stick with it no matter what you long as it works for you.

Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Look up "Lien Sheng plastic industries Co."
I did. I see they make BB's but I couldn't see any reference to BBB or Madbull. Most sites asked me to register. I don't need proof though. I have used .28 Madbull as well as .28 BBB and they both worked well.
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Old September 17th, 2013, 18:00   #42
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Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
What I mean by that is, one person says Brand A buys their BB's from overseas, but Brand X makes them in house and they are better.
Then another person says, Brand X also buys their BB's from overseas so brand A is still better.

So you read, and listen and read and decide on a brand that you think is superior and while you're loading your gun at an event someone walks by and says, Brand Q is better.

Seems almost better to just pick a brand you like and stick with it no matter what you long as it works for you.
Sorry, I forgot most people don't do overseas trading and know about this stuff. Their public facing website is BLS. Basically it's "Lien Sheng Plastic Industries dba (doing business as) BLS":

Also if it seemed like I was pissed off it's cause I was but not at you, just real life stuff that made me really short and curt.

As for BBB I don't know about their "origin story" but I do know they were designed in Canada (so BBB is the ODM or Original Design Manufacturer) but made in Taiwan by an OEM which TBH is fine. It keeps costs down and you don't need to invest in machinery or need to vertically integrate and have control of design, materials, machinery, factory, etc. Like I said Giant OEM's a LOT of bike frames and just follows the design that's submitted to them by the likes of (and I'm making this up here, I don't know which companies they OEM for) Norco or whatever.

Also I know MTMFG (Metal Tech Mfg.) is defunct but if anyone has their BB's and liked them, I'm like 99% sure that Airsoft Elite is the OEM.

tl;dr Pick the brand that you like and works in your gun.
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Old September 17th, 2013, 19:08   #43
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Is there a shoot-out testing anywhere to verify who actually has the most accurate bb?

Since BBB don't make there own bbs which opens the opportunity for other companies to request triple, quadtruple or ultimate polish. That is if all that polishing really works.

I also checked my BBB bbs roundness and they are not completely round neither are the the other brands I have.
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Old September 17th, 2013, 19:42   #44
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
Is there a shoot-out testing anywhere to verify who actually has the most accurate bb?

Since BBB don't make there own bbs which opens the opportunity for other companies to request triple, quadtruple or ultimate polish. That is if all that polishing really works.

I also checked my BBB bbs roundness and they are not completely round neither are the the other brands I have.
It's really hard to do testing like that because of a lot of factors, not limited to crosswinds (so you'd need a really long warehouse with no fans/HVAC running to eliminate that variable), consistency of the platform that you're running, and how the shooting block is setup (mechanical trigger pull or human, and squeezing or pulling or jerking the trigger and how consistent would the setup be).

As for them "not making their own BB's" I don't think you truly understand the process. The ODM designs the product and the OEM just follows the design as laid out in the spec. Basically BBB has some "magic formula" and design that they spec out and doing the double polish is part of that, the OEM follows the ODM specs exactly (obviously within some speced out tolerances, the tighter your specs the more it costs, exponentially).

If I was an ODM and said to the OEM, "okay guys, I don't want any polishing done at all we'll have seams everywhere and I don't care" the OEM doesn't question it and just does it (even if it's detrimental to the end use or is just bad design). BBB can do a change order and say "okay guys, now I want a quadruple polish as part of the manufacturing process" the OEM will do that, but their "double polish" is what they've designed for and what works, they can always do a change order when they want.

As for the roundness/sphericity, how are you calculating it? What apparatus are you using to calculate sphericity and how precise/accurate is it? Note that "sphericity" and "roundness" are two different but related measurements of geometric dimensions.

tl;dr use what works and don't worry about small details as long as it's high quality. Sure some guns may like certain brands while others like other brands but like the saying goes "ride your own ride".
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Old September 17th, 2013, 20:42   #45
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Did it on a Starrett Grade A granite plate with a Mitutoyo Series 912 height gage.

BBB probably has a more expensive and specialized method to test bbs.
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