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Recrutement drive on campus



View Poll Results: Should I go forward with this idea?
Yes 153 45.27%
No 185 54.73%
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Old September 4th, 2005, 12:51   #31
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Originally Posted by surebet
No, but the "left" you see in higher places of learning is usually some obscure hallucination of a political view lost in some heavy drug use.

Ain't *that* the truth.

I think we just need to get a few more lefties in who know how to have some fun, as opposed to just bashing the left as a whole. It's good to see that at least *SOMEONE* knows the difference between a pussy and a socially-sound way of thought.
You may not like my opinion... there is a very simple solution to that: Close your eyes.

Left wing love for airsoft.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 13:11   #32
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Originally Posted by GiordanoWC
Originally Posted by surebet
No, but the "left" you see in higher places of learning is usually some obscure hallucination of a political view lost in some heavy drug use.

Ain't *that* the truth.

I think we just need to get a few more lefties in who know how to have some fun, as opposed to just bashing the left as a whole. It's good to see that at least *SOMEONE* knows the difference between a pussy and a socially-sound way of thought.
Well, I never said the it was a good idea, but... :mrgreen:
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Old September 5th, 2005, 15:48   #33
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I voted No. I just think having lots of players isnt a big deal. I like the people I play with now. We are not in trouble as a community, and we dont NEED people or we will fade away.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 17:09   #34
Bob the Angry Potato
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We need more players, but I don't think things like that are the right idea. People should be recruited individually, and they should be people the recruiter knows well and can trust to be mature enough. Even some people over 20 will do something immature, such as shooting squirrels out of his window or something dumb like that... even though most people at the university may be mature, there are always some bad ones that will take an interest in the guns and the game, but still do something stupid.

Just my 2 cents, I didn't vote.

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Old September 5th, 2005, 20:10   #35
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I may be in the wrong place trying to voice my opinion but... I personally feel that the Airsoft sport should be kept as low profile as possible. Many of my friends purchased those CT springers and 'they' do stupid things with them (I just sit back and laugh). To be totally honest, even at age 18 people there are many who are not mature enough to handle themselves. I vote No. We need more players but we need more mature players until Airsoft is legalized in canada. Once it is legal... by all means invite the idiots as they provide target practice

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Old September 5th, 2005, 20:22   #36
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by CalvinTat
I may be in the wrong place trying to voice my opinion but... I personally feel that the Airsoft sport should be kept as low profile as possible. Many of my friends purchased those CT springers and 'they' do stupid things with them (I just sit back and laugh). To be totally honest, even at age 18 people there are many who are not mature enough to handle themselves. I vote No. We need more players but we need more mature players until Airsoft is legalized in canada. Once it is legal... by all means invite the idiots as they provide target practice
That is exacly why this "meeting" would be good. Teach the values and the way of thinking of the comunity even before they have held a weapon in their hands. Than, those theories get consolidated in the "noob day" camp.
After that, they can purchase their gear knowing exacly in what they are embarking.

Preaching by example is the best thing we can do for the new commers. And yes, airsoft could use new players. Hand picket, sorted and purified new players. That meeting would be phase 1 of the endoctrinement process.
(I know this last sentence sound weird :wink: )

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 5th, 2005, 20:56   #37
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most of the people on ASC came across airsoft by searching for somthing else or from a friend. that is the best way to bring new players in to airsoft. if we bring in a huge number of players at once there are going to bring in bad apples that can bring more bad press and i am sure we dont need more bad press. cause if one gets got being a dumb ass then he tells where he heard of this then it gets to surebet then it comes back to ASC then we are all scewed.
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Old September 5th, 2005, 21:26   #38
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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by the time they get guns, the "oh shit look! they have uber cools gunz!" phase will be passed and they will be well versed in the art of staying low profile.

Anyway, on 100 people we may meet, less than 10 will actually buy guns.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 8th, 2005, 07:05   #39
Dirty Old Bastard
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Je suis contre Ã* 100%. Le airsoft n'a pas besoin de publicité. Le airsoft doit être en mesure d'absorber les nouveaux. En petite quantité c'est Ã* dire un ou deux Ã* la fois ça va mais pas en grosse quantité. Le airsoft n'est pas un sport commercial et ce n'est surtout pas donner Ã* tous de le pratiquer.

Il y a quelques mois, un certain Vortex Ã* passer une annonce Ã* Musique Plus pour une game qu'il voulait organiser. Est-ce que je dois te dire que la réaction de la commauté fut très dure Ã* son endroit et que pour X raison la game fut annulée.

Le airsoft ça se fait connaître par le bouche Ã* oreille en prenant bien soins de cibler les personnes Ã* qui on en parle.

Où penses-tu que les gens vont acheter leur AEG? Nous avons déjÃ* assez de problème Ã* faire rentrer nos produits sans trop éveiller l'attention des douaniers alors pourquoi courir après le trouble. Où vas-tu dire Ã* tes petits copains qu'ils vont pouvoir pratiquer ce sport?

En passant Surebet, je viens de voir la date de ton inscription sur ASC. Tu dis jouer depuis 1 an. Je connais beaucoup de joueurs au Québec mais Ã* date, je ne pense pas t'avoir déjÃ* rencontré? Poser cette question comme tu le fais en ce moment me démontre que tu n'a rien compris de ce qu'est le airsoft. À moins que je me trompe, tu ne dois pas avoir une très grande expérience dans le airsoft alors comment pourrais-tu en parler ou encore comment pourrais-tu expliquer Ã* quelqu'un ce qu'est vraiment le airsoft?

VoilÃ* c'est mon avis....

Mon vote est non!
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Old September 8th, 2005, 07:42   #40
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No, forget you ever had that idea in Quebec. The reason dates back several years and involves the QPP. Too long to write about, and I'm old enough to remember the consequences.

Go to games and meet folks that way. Just dont make a presentation in a school/college unless you want to meet the police.
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Old September 8th, 2005, 08:55   #41
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I voted no, sorry to shoot the idea down but I would rather see the sport grown the way it is then have it full of cheating 12 year olds with mommys hard earned money plunked into a hopped up AEG. my two cents.
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Old September 8th, 2005, 13:28   #42
Snake Eyes
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i say no, jus because i only tell ppl about n bring them in the sport because i believe them to be resonsible.

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Old September 8th, 2005, 13:34   #43
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by slimbc
I voted no, sorry to shoot the idea down but I would rather see the sport grown the way it is then have it full of cheating 12 year olds with mommys hard earned money plunked into a hopped up AEG. my two cents.
Thats is a retarded comment.

Graylock, I'd like to know more about the QPP. If you ever feel like talking about the old time :wink:

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 8th, 2005, 16:30   #44
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I'm gonna have to say no. If it ain't broke don't fix it. As things are right now, the people coming into the sport are more or less filtered. The last thing we need is a big publicity bonanza and some idiot with too much money in his wallet thinking it would be cool to run around campus with a beretta.
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Old September 8th, 2005, 17:19   #45
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I would say go for it. If you wish to start up a Club and have permission from the school to, go right ahead. A long while back the University of Calgary had an airsoft club (UCAC) and thats basically how airsoft in Calgary got started. It has since disbanded due to members graduating but they planted the seed for the rest of us.
As long as you've got full permission and the drive to run and lead things I would heartily approve of your recruitment drive.

As for keeping Airsoft "Underground" I think everyone needs to get over that. There is no reason for us to be all hush hush anymore.
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