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Old October 14th, 2012, 20:20   #31
Mac_Daddy_Smitt's Avatar
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"I had gotten free consolation with a local lawyer in regards to the situation. He assessed the written contracts I had with BWP (consignment contracts with details of the guns and the original receipts for said guns) and he informed me that the cost for the case would exceed what I could hope to get back."

^^^^^That's why you also sue for legal fees? ^^^^^
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Old October 14th, 2012, 20:20   #32
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Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Sounds like damage control to me. ^^
Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Ya that was a shoddy attempt at damage control. What a way to pop your ASC post cherry too.
Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Holy crap. What the hell happened here? How did this turn into "im trying to see if my guns turned up anywhere" to a witch hunt?


Just stop turning everything into a damn witchhunt on here. Theres no need to make ASC into a hate machine like this. All it does is create a shitty community for all of us, and hurt our sport.
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Old October 14th, 2012, 21:05   #33
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How much did you get paid for the loss? Post the flat out dollar total here.
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Old October 16th, 2012, 13:10   #34
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Plissken, Sorry to hear about the loss bro. Glad you manned up to the fact that you wont get these back...but one question...

If this was under BWP at the time of theft....Wouldnt insurance just cover it? Why wouldnt BWP Claim for loss of personal/buisness property on premises? I`m pretty sure I read your items were not claimed? Why?

All I know, Is if you came to my house with your xbox360 and we went out to lift at the gym, and we came back and my flat screen is gone, your 360 is gone and they stole my fish...well I`d claim it with insurance. I`ll never see my fish again but I would be re-imbursed...So would you for having your item in my house. (this might be debatable with what kinda insurance coverage you have.)
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Old October 16th, 2012, 13:39   #35
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Normally you would claim this on your own insurance. The items were his property, not the store's.

Same for your friend with an xBox etc. taken from your house. His property/his insurance.

Some policies will let you add a rider to cover other people's property that's brought into your house.

Shot in the dark here but I'll guess the OP did not have any form of insurance.
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Old October 16th, 2012, 14:03   #36
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Normally you would claim this on your own insurance. The items were his property, not the store's.

Same for your friend with an xBox etc. taken from your house. His property/his insurance.

Some policies will let you add a rider to cover other people's property that's brought into your house.

Shot in the dark here but I'll guess the OP did not have any form of insurance.
Makes sense... What If I was a guy who was fixing RROD Xbox`s as a buisness and I work out of home? Wouldnt my insurance cover that?
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Old October 16th, 2012, 14:10   #37
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You would have a specific policy to cover your business losses. Probably with a such a hefty deductible you'd only want to claim if the place burnt to ashes.

Consignment stuff is pretty well always on the person who owns it. I am surprised he got paid anything because most 2nd hand places would have told him to take a hike.

If he ever posts the payout we can use arithmetic to see if it was "fair". I'm going to make another guess that he bought all those back when prices were high, and was selling try to recover his costs. The prices didn't reflect the current market (IE prices have been in freefall the last couple years) so he was let down by a payout that didn't see him walk away with what he though they were "worth".
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Old October 16th, 2012, 14:20   #38
R.T Plissken
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I'm still unclear on those details myself but in theory a store's insurance could be able to cover it as inventory under their roof. On the other hand consignment is done so at the risk of the individual owning it. You can have a form of consignment insurance to cover your items while they are out of your possession but Danke was correct, at the time of the incident I did not have any insurance titles under my name. As for the dollar amount I cannot post it here as I do not want to go into further details regarding the business between BWP and myself.
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Old October 16th, 2012, 15:26   #39
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Locking this thread as it is quite off topic now. Any other outstanding issues should be handled privately in PM's.
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