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Marine sniper needed?



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Old August 27th, 2012, 19:12   #31
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Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove View Post
if i lived close i would, lol and i want to hear more on this person who wants to be paid to play airsoft (i know i would love to, as i'm sure everyone else would)
It was some kid and his friend who offered there "airsoft skills" to any team willing to pay them 20 bucks per game.
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Old August 29th, 2012, 06:12   #32
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When I was in highschool, I built a ghille suit and used it to play pranks and jokes on my friends...

I can why he like the ghille suit, but the rest...
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Old August 29th, 2012, 10:39   #33
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You make another good point Jer; I wouldn't have done that at that age either. The whole thing seems odd. To react to Skeletor by calling him a jackass when the answer he got wasn't what he wanted to hear, tells me he's at least twelve. And he's probably just another disassociative internet punk who's parents forgot to raise him. You know the type? The ones on COD who threaten to beat you up, but you know they are either eighty or three hundred pounds. But once again, he is in possession of an airsoft gun, he knows how to post on Kajiji, he wants to practice stalking in a ghillie suit (which means he actually knows nothing about being a sharp shooter), and he has no problem saying Skeletor "sounds like a jackass". I'm very curious to know his age; as I think it's very relevant with how I'd deal with him.
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Old August 29th, 2012, 10:53   #34
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
His email ends in 98, ie; so that could be a random number or the year he was born.

As for mental issues, etc dunno, hard to judge that through email. But IMO he seems just like a young kid(13/14) who has seen movies with snipers and video games, etc. Posting online for info instead of doing research just shows he is lazy and or doesn't know how to search, or would rather be spoon fed info. Pretty common on some other forums I'm on, people would rather post a question(that has been asked 20 times before) and wait for a reply then actually search for the info. Posting a ad for help/someone to teach him stuff is really weird though..

As for things going badly, I agree and did ask him what he does/intends to do with the airsoft gun and ghillie suit. Waiting on a reply.
The moment i saw his ad, i was like "what's up with this kid?" i'm gonna be honest with u ... this kid has a lot to learn. and say what he's 13/14? he needs to know that it requires a lot of physical training to be a marine sniper, why not suggest him that he join the cadet program? particularly the army cadets (I'm in the air cadets though! :P). as for mental issues, i have no idea. we don't want to assume anything as of now and out of the blue ...
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Old August 29th, 2012, 11:05   #35
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When we were that age, the world was a different place. The world was in another age.

Nowadays, this shit seems par for the course.
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Old August 29th, 2012, 11:35   #36
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
Did you know about kijiji when you were 13/14? Have internet etc?

As for not searching, again you will see 16 year olds to people in their mid 20s and later not searching, they will just sign up on a forum and ask questions. Not searching on your own is lazy.
Skeletor, I'm actually not that old.... I'm young enough to be cougar bait and not be creepy for liking Selena Gomez or Miranda Cosgrove.

Also I had Craigslist when I was young (in fact Van was the first Canadian city to get a CL page/section) I was only like 15 or 16 when it started to get popular.

Anyways, tl;dr people need to "lern 2 serch" or they might get the ClueBatâ„¢ applied to them one day.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old August 29th, 2012, 11:50   #37
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Originally Posted by multitech View Post
He's 14 and has 17 other ads. Either selling something or looking for work!
If you look at his other ads, you'll find one were he says he is 14.

There seems to be a sense of entitlement that is running rampant through the teen age population. They are becoming too use to their parents purchasing anythng they want "RIGHT NOW", TV has everything and anything they want, the internet allows them to stay in contact with their frinds 24/7. I havn't seen a teen ager lately who doesn't have a cell phone. Most of the time this stuff has not been earned, just demanded and handed over.

The sense of entitlement is very strong. Until they get out into the real world, were mommy and daddy aren't handling everything. Then the world shows them what they really deserve when you don't want to work for it!

At best Nothing, at worst a kick in the teeth!!!!
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Old August 29th, 2012, 13:03   #38
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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love the guns for hire ads lol
how good could you possibly think you are at 14?
But then, there's those super l33t guys that show up at XT and think they're gonna kick ass with their counterstrike skill, and end up crying in a corner lol

Anyway, clearly didn't do very much research, seeing as we don't have marines in Canada
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Old August 29th, 2012, 13:22   #39
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That's too old to be asking that kind of question. It's like he's never been outside of his parents yard. He also obviously lacks respect and common sense. I think the best way to deal with him is to link him to the USMC website, and give him a firm answer on how he needs to do some more research; and that his actions are immature. He needs to get out more, and unplug from fantastical ideas. Any "help" you offer him will only fuel his delusions. Remind him that a fourteen year old young man with a ghillie suit and an airsoft gun "will not" be taken seriously; and that snipers generally have a strong academic grasp of physics and mathematics. Not to mention exceptional natural talent, prior military training, and exceptional service history. Also there is the being an American national thing. I believe the USMC will take Canadians, but they transfer through a program in our forces I believe.

Like I said; giving him hope will do more harm than good. Tell him to focus on education as a proper stepping stone. Also him and his old man should join a gun club.

God damn, we need a world war or something to put our new generations back into perspective.
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Last edited by Ricochet; August 29th, 2012 at 13:26..
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Old August 29th, 2012, 13:41   #40
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I just want to put things in perspective a little bit. Note that this is not addressed at anyone in particular but if the hat fits you... Also I hope my tone won't sound to harsh or anything, it's not my intention if it is.

I had a good laugh at first, but reading more and more of some of the comments here, judging the guy like this based on some ad, that might just be troll-bait...

What's the urge of trying to fix this guy? Nobody seems to know sh*t about the kid but yet some want to "correct", "educate" him in the worst possible way, judging his parents, himself or his generation.. Come on, we're better than that.

We keep saying Airsoft is based on honor and respect after all. He's 14, we know that much; He might live in a dream, he might be trolling, he might be disfunctional, or not. He probably have a airsoft gun, which doesn't mean he's not responsible with it. He wants a Ghillie suit, fine let him have one, it doesn't mean he'll go in the park and stalk youg ladies with his rifle.

I built a chainmail at his age, while being at school (I mean, I was building AT school, sometime during class :P), it doesn't mean I was disfunctional with some social problem, that I was whack in the head and I was not running like a crazy dude in chainmail hitting people with a duct tapped foam sword.

Nobody here as the duty of "educating" him for the sole reason he has a airsoft gun. Don't make this your battle over nothing. If you want to help the guy, fine, but don't go bringing your flamethrower at him, he might have enough issues (if any) in real life already.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old August 29th, 2012, 17:53   #41
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
love the guns for hire ads lol
how good could you possibly think you are at 14?
But then, there's those super l33t guys that show up at XT and think they're gonna kick ass with their counterstrike skill, and end up crying in a corner lol

Anyway, clearly didn't do very much research, seeing as we don't have marines in Canada
That was me in the corner the first few times I was there. Then I started showing up with a 249
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Old August 29th, 2012, 21:32   #42
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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[QUOTE=Yea, perfect way to sort people out, another World War and destruction and death...[/QUOTE]

That was a joke about how those who tend not to have to sacrifice for others, often don't; and forget the meaning of respect and responsibility.

My friend who was US Marine got in through starting with the CF. He was not a US citizen, nor held and address there. I'm sure there was a lot of documentation involved. But I can't speculate on that.

There are different levels of sharp shooters from support to target elimination. My friends who spent years with the SSF explained that mathematics and applied physics were an asset often endorsed through their training programs when studying trajectory, and the affects of weather conditions, humidity, etc. Maybe it isn't a requirement. Obviously they'd consider anyone with the nack. But from what I understood they looked for exceptional individuals within the forces for consideration.
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Old August 29th, 2012, 22:06   #43
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Just goes to show, there's more to sniping than just being a good shot!
You also have to get to the target, and then more importantly, get away lol
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Old August 29th, 2012, 22:36   #44
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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You know your stuff, I'll check my facts with my friends. The reason I use the term SSF is there is an individual who is personally known to many members of ASC who'd rather remain anonymous. Naming a regiment, name, or service record goes against his wishes. This man in particular was not a sniper, but an very long standing member if the CF. We've has many talks about training/maneuvers, etc; but he us reluctant to speak of other details (obviously). Anyways; I respect him and his privacy.

As for the USMC recruitment, apparently they recruit openly from a few countries. I'm sure there is a strict process involved including security checks, etc; they actively look for members from Canada, Britain, France, etc.
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Old August 30th, 2012, 08:09   #45
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Why would they state that they want soldiers from other armies? Mighty un-American of them.
Unless of course you're ridiculously good, then everyone wants you.

There are exceptions to every rule I guess
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