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Old July 23rd, 2009, 14:36   #16
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I'm not trying to say don't do it (nor was I trying to flame people coming up with that idea). Good on you if you actually go through with it but you should heed the advice given by "senior" members of the community (that's not me since I'm still pretty young).

I shouldn't have to explain myself but for me there is a reason why I'm content with the situation in Canada right now. You should educate yourself on others before you who have made petitions, tried to form a lobby group, tried to get the media on "our side" etc.
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Old July 23rd, 2009, 15:37   #17
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I'm not trying to say don't do it (nor was I trying to flame people coming up with that idea). Good on you if you actually go through with it but you should heed the advice given by "senior" members of the community (that's not me since I'm still pretty young).

I shouldn't have to explain myself but for me there is a reason why I'm content with the situation in Canada right now. You should educate yourself on others before you who have made petitions, tried to form a lobby group, tried to get the media on "our side" etc.
What I was saying wasn't a futur project of mine or anything like that. I was just stating that everywhere else in the world have done something about it but here there's nothing like a federal association. You might be content with how it is now, but like the original subject of this thread is pointing out, the situation we're used to is degrading nowadays and the futur is starting to look grim in Quebec, the province wich has been hit the hardest by the soccer moms...

For exemple, there's a law in Ireland (I think it's Ireland) that just passed that makes them worst off than we are here at the moment and might end up meaning a total ban of airsoft. Now instead of the players just bitching about it and die off, they already have a country-wide association with lawyers that will make an appeal to the goverment on their behalf. I might not work out in the end, but at least it something.

Btw my join date might be recent, but my friends are the "senior" members of the community in Quebec, playing airsoft from way back when in was created, and we often have these discussions. The only reason there's nothing like that in Canada today is that nobody wants to stick their neck out and do it... so far...

And all the hippy shit petitions, spokepersons and such ain't worth crap, on that I agree with you.

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Old July 23rd, 2009, 15:46   #18
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Originally Posted by tattoodan View Post
And all the hippy shit petitions, spokepersons and such ain't worth crap, on that I agree with you.
Yeah sorry I thought that you were alluding to that happening. It's easier to make a "feel good" petition that fails horribly and goes into the black hole of red tape and gets thrown into the trash bin than actually "acting" and doing something, you need a lot of work to start a lobby or association and that's the key. I would happily join an association that lobbied for airsoft players interests but at the same time I would not want it to turn into some crappily run association like most do with no clear path to the goal in mind other than "our goal is this" not "how do we get to our goal".

EDIT: How about we call a truce and leave the arguing. I think we're arguing two sides of the same coin as the saying goes.
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Last edited by L473ncy; July 23rd, 2009 at 15:48..
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Old July 23rd, 2009, 16:03   #19
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
EDIT: How about we call a truce and leave the arguing. I think we're arguing two sides of the same coin as the saying goes.
Eh eh that happens alot on forums...

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Old July 24th, 2009, 11:13   #20
formerly tattoodan
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Just when I was talking about it, here it is in the news:

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Old July 24th, 2009, 11:28   #21
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Ce matin, sur le réseau Astral Média j'ai entendu un joueur du Saguenay (nom & pseudo inconnus) expliquer les faits. C'était aux nouvelles de 7h ce matin, et ça accompagnait la nouvelle citée plus haut. (je crois que le poste était Rock Détente, mais je ne suis pas sûr, c'était dans un autobus...)

En gros, le joueur expliquait que comme dans n'importe quel sport, c'est sécuritaire et le fun tant que tous sont conscients des risques et respectent les règles de sécurité. Comme au paintball, certains peuvent l'utiliser Ã* mauvais escient mais lorsque des gens matures qui s'en servent dans le contexte sportif encadré, c'est sécuritaire...

Ce n'était pas ses mots exactements, mais cela résume son contenu. L'extrait n'avait pas l'air trop remonté non plus, et ça faisait bien du sens.

Rock Détente au Saguenay c'est pas Énergie le midi Ã* Montréal, mais Ã* mon avis cela a bien paru et oui, je crois que des interventions similaires, bien informées, nous rendraient service. Je sais, la plupart préfèrent le statut quo, et je ne veut pas repartir le même thread qu'il y a aux 3 mois...

En bref, je félicite l'initiative de ce joueur qui a appelé.
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Old July 24th, 2009, 12:44   #22
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Originally Posted by Comanche View Post
Ce matin, sur le réseau Astral Média j'ai entendu un joueur du Saguenay (nom & pseudo inconnus) expliquer les faits. C'était aux nouvelles de 7h ce matin, et ça accompagnait la nouvelle citée plus haut. (je crois que le poste était Rock Détente, mais je ne suis pas sûr, c'était dans un autobus...)

En gros, le joueur expliquait que comme dans n'importe quel sport, c'est sécuritaire et le fun tant que tous sont conscients des risques et respectent les règles de sécurité. Comme au paintball, certains peuvent l'utiliser Ã* mauvais escient mais lorsque des gens matures qui s'en servent dans le contexte sportif encadré, c'est sécuritaire...

Ce n'était pas ses mots exactements, mais cela résume son contenu. L'extrait n'avait pas l'air trop remonté non plus, et ça faisait bien du sens.

Rock Détente au Saguenay c'est pas Énergie le midi Ã* Montréal, mais Ã* mon avis cela a bien paru et oui, je crois que des interventions similaires, bien informées, nous rendraient service. Je sais, la plupart préfèrent le statut quo, et je ne veut pas repartir le même thread qu'il y a aux 3 mois...

En bref, je félicite l'initiative de ce joueur qui a appelé.
En effet, c'est toujours l'fun d'entendre parler du positif.

Ça me fait toujours rire quand ça argumente sur la sécurité du airsoft. Il serait très drôle un moment donné que quelqu'un compare les statistiques sur les blessures au airsoft et celles de, disons, le vélo de montagne, le skateboard, le hockey, etc... on s'entend qu'Ã* part perdre un oeil (qui serait obligatoirement dû au manque de la personne Ã* suivre les consignes de sécurité) les blessures au airsoft sont quasiment inexistentes...

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Old July 24th, 2009, 12:48   #23
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Bah, c'est a peu près le même que le paintball, les pires blessures que j'ai vu sont en lien avec des chevilles versées et trucs du genre.

Il y a un mod ici qui s'est fêlé quelques côtes en tombant dans un trou d'échelle une fois, ça doit être le pire.
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Old July 24th, 2009, 13:35   #24
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post

''À 75 pieds sur le petit doigt, ça te casse le petit doigt"
Joël Mercier, copropriétaire, Saguenay Paintball Karting

"At 75 feet on the pinky finger, it will break your pinky finger"
Joël Mercier, co-owner, Saguenay Paintball Karting

Way to stab fellow shooting sport hobbyists is the fucking back, nice way to kill of the local community and protect the paintball market.

EDIT: for those looking for the blurb, it's in the second part, around 2:50

La fin approche...
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Old July 25th, 2009, 16:28   #25
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Serieusement, c'est de la négligence parentale... Acheter un airsoft Ã* des enfants de 10 ans... Est-ce que les parents achetent des cigarettes et du fort Ã* leurs enfants ? Si oui... heh...
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Old August 5th, 2009, 10:55   #26
Yann Aka Harry
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c nimporte quoi

c nimporte quoi cet histoire la le paintball est bcp plus dangereux ke le airsoft pi stafair la de 75 pied et sa te casse le petit doigt ... mais bon jai une question commen jpeux fair pour me fair listé ( vérification d age ) et ou jpeux fair sa !???
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Old August 5th, 2009, 11:23   #27
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Cherche le post "How to get age verified/comment se faire vérifier"
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Old August 19th, 2009, 17:41   #28
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La journee ou il n y auras plus de redacteur en chef bien payer par L'Establishment, les nouvelles vont etre bien differente. Ils prennent ce qui est bon et payant pour eux, ils ont des listes et airsoft milsim fusil chasseur.... sa c est en tete de liste. Les petites filles qui ce font violer dans les clubs de dance a 10 sa c est en bas de la liste juste a pres les politicien qui volent de l argent et qui ne font pas de prison )))))))

En realiter ils n ont tellement pas d argument qu ils cherchent l opignion publique pour ce justifier, juste a voir la bonne entente qui il y a dans les parties entre les gars et la gestion du site pour comprendre qu ils ce cale eux meme )))

Un homme libre qui n as rien a ce reprocher c est plus fort que tous !!!!!

La constution nous protege!!!!!!!!

Une opignion parmis tant d autre.............

The day or there will more editors to pay by the Establishment, the news will be very different. They take what is good and paying for them, they have lists and milsim airsoft gun hunter .... c is the head of the list. Girls who are raped in this club dance a 10 sa c is at the bottom of the list just near the politician who steal the money and who are not in prison )))))))

In reality they have no argument so that they seek the public opignion justification for this, just see the good agreement that there is in the part between the guys and the site management to understand that they hold them the same) ))

A free man who has nothing as this reproach c is stronger than all !!!!!

The Constitutive protects us !!!!!!!!

A opignion among many others .............
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Old August 19th, 2009, 22:38   #29
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Originally Posted by tattoodan View Post
Just when I was talking about it, here it is in the news:
I find it weird that another organization has popped up, I thought UKARA had everything covered on that end.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 22:58   #30
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We should stop saying "what if" and "it'd be nice if" and just do it already. One step at a time.

I like the idea of getting together a small group of people (that would eventually grow) and gather enough people to then gather enough money to pay a lawyer that would stand up for us. If enough people care, the country will have no choice but to realize that in terms of security, airsoft = paintball.

It shouldn't take that much. I'm sure a newer lawyer who has balls would do it. It'd be a great way to make a name for themselves. Win-win tbh.

Who wants to do it? I'm down to be apart of it. ACA (Association of Canadian Airsoft) sounds pretty legit. ;P
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