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how many of you have night vision


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Old June 29th, 2005, 22:03   #16
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these are what I use. I cut some old PB lenses to fit over each lense and apoxied them on.
I'm also thinking of putting this on my G&G M14
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Old June 29th, 2005, 22:40   #17
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Originally Posted by ert
IMHO gen1 isn't worth the money. It just turns the darkness into fuzzy greeness... unless IR illumination is on, in which case you might as well put an IR stobe light on your head and mark yourself as a target for enemies who have NVG.
Yeah, granted it isn't like watching HDTV, but it's better than no NV at all. And I didn't blow $2000 +. More like $200 Can, heck a standard scope will run you that.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 08:30   #18
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Originally Posted by VipaMave
Why use something so expensive? What if you somebody accidentally fires at you (as it is dark) and shatters your NVG lense and messes up the internals?

Thats why it has a metal housing and also why I made a lexan cover for the front. You can plink at this unit all day and not do a lick of damage...
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Old July 1st, 2005, 06:48   #19
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I've had the chance to use NVGs before. I found that they were more of a hassle than useful. Getting a nightvision bincoular/monocular and just scanning the area every once in a while proved to be a better method, but overall, i just prefer sitting in the dark for about 20-30 minutes and letting my eyes adjust for a while rather than dealing with the hassle of night vision equipment.
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Old July 1st, 2005, 09:22   #20
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Hassle of night vision equipment? Aside from weight these things rock.
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Old July 1st, 2005, 09:24   #21
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Originally Posted by Trixter
I've had the chance to use NVGs before. I found that they were more of a hassle than useful. Getting a nightvision bincoular/monocular and just scanning the area every once in a while proved to be a better method, but overall, i just prefer sitting in the dark for about 20-30 minutes and letting my eyes adjust for a while rather than dealing with the hassle of night vision equipment.
That's because you don't have proper trainning with the device of a hell of a cheap peace of NVG. Seriously, no offence there, but these devises need a getting used to to.

In the army, they provide trainning for them for this very reason.

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Old July 1st, 2005, 09:46   #22
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i have one Patriot 2 gen.
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Old July 1st, 2005, 10:17   #23
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Originally Posted by Trixter
I've had the chance to use NVGs before. I found that they were more of a hassle than useful. Getting a nightvision bincoular/monocular and just scanning the area every once in a while proved to be a better method, but overall, i just prefer sitting in the dark for about 20-30 minutes and letting my eyes adjust for a while rather than dealing with the hassle of night vision equipment.
I never tried the later generation of NVs ( PVS-7/14 ) but if most of us can only afford the Gen 1 NVs, I agree with Trixter. Your view is limited. A 40 degree of viewing is not what I would call good situation awareness. That's why I decided to only buy the scoped NV. It's still a Gen 1+ but for the effective range we have on airsoft guns, it does the job.

When I hear noises or voices, I'll just scan the area. Ready to shoot if I do see Tangos. There's nothing more fun or fair when I see a group of tangos all bunch together. Single shots are only needed to take them out without them having a clue on where I am. I just make sure not to use the IR illuminator too much to gave away my position. I need to find a better IR unit.
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Old July 1st, 2005, 11:35   #24
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Surefire make IR filters for normal lights. The price is a little steep, but the result is quite good.

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Old July 2nd, 2005, 21:55   #25
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Originally Posted by FOX_111
Originally Posted by Trixter
I've had the chance to use NVGs before. I found that they were more of a hassle than useful. Getting a nightvision bincoular/monocular and just scanning the area every once in a while proved to be a better method, but overall, i just prefer sitting in the dark for about 20-30 minutes and letting my eyes adjust for a while rather than dealing with the hassle of night vision equipment.
That's because you don't have proper trainning with the device of a hell of a cheap peace of NVG. Seriously, no offence there, but these devises need a getting used to to.

In the army, they provide trainning for them for this very reason.
I can only agree with you there. Training does play a big part in using NVGs effetively. However, for airsoft, i think a night vision scope works fine.
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Old July 2nd, 2005, 22:07   #26
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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is Gen 1 Night Vision any better than the NV found on Sony handy-cams? Because the NV on my Sony handy-cam isn't good for shit, can't even see 10ft into the darkness.
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 00:59   #27
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That's not even true nightvision dude... :lol:
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old July 3rd, 2005, 08:46   #28
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Originally Posted by randas
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is Gen 1 Night Vision any better than the NV found on Sony handy-cams? Because the NV on my Sony handy-cam isn't good for shit, can't even see 10ft into the darkness.
Actually, truth be told the low light mode on a Sony Handicam makes for excellent poor mans NV. The problem is the distance and the intensity - the Handicam uses an IR lightsource and a detect and amplify mode to do that but it only works under intense IR and the focal distance is only a few feet.

I've been to a nightgame where they used a Handicam as NV and it was of limited utility.

Incidently, training for use for any nightvision will improve your use of it. Gen 1 with the fisheye effect is particularly difficult to use, but it can be done.

Basically you need to remember 2 things with nightvision. 1) The image is generally 1 dimensional (even with dual lens NVGs), like a picture on a piece of paper, 2) the image is essentially black and white (even though its green phosphorus). Anyone who has been military or done WP basic will tell you that things are seen for many different reasons, but, with NV, your depth perception and your detection of shade and shadows removes key elements your brain uses to recognize the human form, You have to retrain your instincts with NV so that you don't rely on those instinctive elements to recognize the human form. Thats mostly what the training is about.

We did a NV intro up at Wolfpack field in Muskoka this year at about 2am on a cloudy night with 25% moonlight. We had night vision monocles, and goggles (2 lens goggles, Gen 2) and we put guys into the field and each person had to use the NV equipment to spot people.

What was interesting was a few people were able to spot people WITHOUT the NV equipment - I couldn't, it was beyond me. One of our guys, Recon, in particular is downright scarey at night, he can see shit the rest of us miss - he spotted 7 out of the 8 guys when guys with the NVs were spotting only 4 out of 8.
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Old July 11th, 2005, 22:08   #29
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I have these:, which are awsome

When push comes to shove, anybody with NVGs that can use them has a superior advantage, no doubt about it. Gen 1 is Gen 1, stop bitching about it not being great... it does the job right? If you're sitting in the bushes in a dark spot at night without NV thinking youre going to do some damage to me, who has NVGs, better think again! I WILL see you before you see me, and thats exactly what they're good for, and thats why I bought them. Yah, they're not Gen 5, but hell, if I had $6000 + to drop on a pair, then I would.

As for other people seeing the IR illuminator, I don't see the big deal. Other players on the field using NV will see you, but think about it. If you're using your IR, then they are most likely using their's. I believe the good outways the bad. The majority of players don't have/us NVGs, so you don't have to worry so much - they may see the light they may not! I'm willing to take that chance!

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Old July 11th, 2005, 22:25   #30
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arent u guys afraid that the bb's might actually hit the lense of your like 100-200+ dollar nightvision sets?

BTW im in LOVE with this one:

i hear its standard issue for the americans and canadian forces i think
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