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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old June 9th, 2008, 17:55   #211
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Originally Posted by Rukus View Post
5. Remember the age group in which you are talking to. IE us, most have military experience or are in the military, and some have many years of actual airsoft experience, and don't try and confuse real steal with airsoft because other than appearance they are not the same.
Going to agree with you Rukus, +1. This thread brought many experienced airsofters and actual military snipers who were kind enough to answer my questions and to share some of there info to me and many others on this thread that I created.

ShootKillReload, its nice to see that you would like to play the role of a sniper one day but you should actually read this thread and you may learn that your "imaginary lonewolf sniper" does not exist in airsoft. By the Way, welcome to ASC and don't get under anyones skin on these forums...

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Old June 9th, 2008, 18:05   #212
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It's fine for him to play the sniper role, and I hope he DOES do well with it against the other guys his age that he plays with. But there is a shitload of stuff to learn while playing (and chances are he'd be in a totally different world with the games we all tend to play), he at least understands various things such as dealing with BB hooking.............. really adjust your hop up lower than what gets you the maximum range, then treat it more like a real steel rifle. Hooking comes from the BB losing energy and the hop up carrying it, but that sets up a wildly variable lift differential (due to air currents, even small ones) which causes your hooking, and can NOT be predicted (unless you can see the air molecules moving, AND can also read the future as to which currents will pass the BB during it's path, and from which side). I have mine set on my 500fps M24 to about the point where a 0.30g BB will go straight out for about 150-170ft, then drop, but wind has little effect on it because I removed some of the 'hop up fuck up'. Better to use heavier BBs, but then since you are dealing with less hop up to maintain consistant shots............. and I compensate for distance by aiming higher, using my lower crosshairs on my reticle. Who taught me this? I sorted it out for myself by thinking about aerodynamics, lift generation, air movement, etc. and figured it out. Was largely fed up with wild shots everywhere past 150ft, and found this works best, which is rather counter intuitive from what hop up is supposed to be doing.

So, I CAN say that he has more knowledge on things relating to airsoft sniping than most new players, so I won't flame him, just gotta reel him in and let him add if he wants.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; June 9th, 2008 at 18:14..
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Old June 10th, 2008, 17:57   #213
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Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers View Post
nah my engines outta service for the day

let him burn
ROFL! Nice one :P I was gonna bring up that there is a fireman on this forum but then saw your post :P
Tell your mom I had a good time last night...
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Old June 10th, 2008, 18:16   #214
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Originally Posted by ShootKillReload View Post
ROFL! Nice one :P I was gonna bring up that there is a fireman on this forum but then saw your post :P
Nice to hear from you once again. I apologize for my earlier post. You brought up the topic about "bb hooking" which I didn't fully understand until Stalker cleared that up for me. Would love to hear some of your experiences with sniper rifles, would be interesting to hear some info from someone who is under aged like me.

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