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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old May 29th, 2008, 00:21   #136
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Originally posted by CDN_stalker
Regarding my mentioning the tuning of sniper rifles, let me try to explain:

A sniper has to choose his upgrades, sort out little issues with them, shoot it enough to see if a benefit or not, learn the 'new' personality of the gun after the new parts settle in. I know lots of guys "tweak" their AEGs with upgrades and such, but they don't have to largely deal with one shot 250ft away and possibly lose that target after they shoot, there are always quick follow up shots, something a sniper really doesn't have the luxury of enjoying. So one has to largely tune and LEARN for best effect, where AEG users largely will just tweak. I've waited upwards of a few mins between shots focusing on the right moment to loose my round, and I don't have the luxury of having two or three BBs in the air at the same time.

Better ideed; Much better. I fully understand what you mean, now. Very well conveyed if I do say so myself your description was very illuminating and made allusion to very concrete real life examples. in all sincerety, I do think that I tend to slightly undermine snipers because I'm jealous ofthe beauty of their guns, bwaha! Even if I did have the patience to be a sniper (something I have yet to find out snice I have never occupied that position), I don't think being alone or with just one other person would satisfy me. I'm more of a team player myself, I suppose.

CDN_stalker: Just out of curiosity, wha s it exactly that attracted you to that position?

thank you, truely, for the additional explanations,

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Old May 29th, 2008, 01:10   #137
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iv got a friend who wants to waste $1100 on a sniper rifle because he wants to be a sniper. he is so convinced that he can be a sniper, that even after telling him to read this thread he doesn't want to since it will be a "waste of his time".
Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I don't want to see it. Babies all look the same. The only time a baby doesn't look like every other baby is when it's a really ugly baby. So, unless it's a photo of a really ugly baby, I don't want to see it.
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Old May 29th, 2008, 01:33   #138
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Originally Posted by bissa View Post
iv got a friend who wants to waste $1100 on a sniper rifle because he wants to be a sniper. he is so convinced that he can be a sniper, that even after telling him to read this thread he doesn't want to since it will be a "waste of his time".
You'll tell us in a few month after he get his rifle, if that rifle was a waist of his time and money.

Sniping main spending lot of time reading, learning. Once on the field, lot's of time tuning the rifle, doing intel, crawling, observing, waiting and sometime shooting!

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Old May 29th, 2008, 01:45   #139
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Originally Posted by FNG_13 View Post
Stalker, if half the stuff that's concocted on this forum about you is true, you doubtless fall into a similar category. Noobs like looking up to mythical figures. People like you give us something to aspire to...even if alot of it is mired in myth.
Most of the stuf comes off the field, word of mouth, is rather funny to hear sometimes. I do the modest thing and say it's all largely myth, allows me to be lazy and not have to try to hard to live up to some over inflated reputation. Lol

Originally Posted by PvtSpartykus View Post
Better ideed; Much better. I fully understand what you mean, now. Very well conveyed if I do say so myself your description was very illuminating and made allusion to very concrete real life examples. in all sincerety, I do think that I tend to slightly undermine snipers because I'm jealous ofthe beauty of their guns, bwaha! Even if I did have the patience to be a sniper (something I have yet to find out snice I have never occupied that position), I don't think being alone or with just one other person would satisfy me. I'm more of a team player myself, I suppose.

CDN_stalker: Just out of curiosity, wha s it exactly that attracted you to that position?

thank you, truely, for the additional explanations,

Dunno really, just being a non-existant sneaky bastard was a start, and I'm talking all my life, before airsoft (always had an ability to approach friends from the side, say hi and scare the shit outta them, yet it wasn't my intention). Also been really good at using camo since I was a kid playing war (ya, 30years ago).

I guess what led me to it was the enjoyable "noob fanticization" thoughts (a year before my first game actually) of moving with a squad of guys, get ambushed by another group, pinned down and under fire, inching my way to a firing position, getting a bead on body parts through little holes in between walls and branches, and doing the precision shooting thing, and gradually taking them out. And lo and behold, it turned into a reality. Is all about the shooting as best as one can, I've always been a great shot with anything that projects something, so it just carried over.

I'll say this though, my first airsoft gun was an Omega 93R, and that got me hooked and looking around for info about airsoft, found ASC, found games and a community here in Ottawa. Then I bought a TM G17 springer, a Crosman P99 springer (best flyswatter I've ever owned within 10ft), then a KSC M11A1, then my CA M24.................. then I got my first AEG, a TM MP5A5. So the M24 has always been my companion ever since I started, she's always with me and rather funny, there have been times I've left it at base, or whatnot, and seen PERFECT opportunities to use it, hence my having it on my back 98% of the time.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; May 29th, 2008 at 01:48..
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Old May 29th, 2008, 01:50   #140
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Want to be a sniper?
Just grab a Stalker, spread it out on the ground and begin 'sniping'.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old May 29th, 2008, 02:55   #141
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Originally posted by CDN_stalker

I guess what led me to it was the enjoyable "noob fanticization" thoughts (a year before my first game actually) of moving with a squad of guys, get ambushed by another group, pinned down and under fire, inching my way to a firing position, getting a bead on body parts through little holes in between walls and branches, and doing the precision shooting thing, and gradually taking them out. And lo and behold, it turned into a reality. Is all about the shooting as best as one can, I've always been a great shot with anything that projects something, so it just carried over.
Fanticization is m new favourite word!!! to fanticizate, fanticizating... wow the possibilities are endless! (Sorry I have this thing with made up words see. It's just the euh.. how can I say this..hmmm I like them, that's pretty much all I got ) Anyhow good one

I can see how that would be appealing though, putting a bead through a little gap at a distance of 30 meters sounds absolutely magnificent. Although, don't you get fatigued of having to wait long lapses of time before firing at a target? I know I would. In addition the bulky ghillie creates an added element of movment restriction. I need to run in order to find anything interesting(I run marathon and jog regularily so I become antzy) if I'm in the same position for toolong, which I suppose is bad quality when you happen to be pined.

The M24 is probably the most beautiful sniper rifle because there are so many available custom options. Although I do like the MK96, the stock is utterly stunning.

Thank you for your interesting commentary and description


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Old May 29th, 2008, 07:02   #142
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Originally Posted by PvtSpartykus View Post
Thank you for your interesting commentary and description
+1...glad to see that this thread is still alive
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Old May 29th, 2008, 07:05   #143
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Originally Posted by bissa View Post
iv got a friend who wants to waste $1100 on a sniper rifle because he wants to be a sniper. he is so convinced that he can be a sniper, that even after telling him to read this thread he doesn't want to since it will be a "waste of his time".
Lol glad to see someone in the same situation as me. Trust me, once he reads through this thread he will gain a better understanding of what a "sniper" really does and how he performs on the feild. One of the most interesting ideas brought up to me on this thread was the DM role, which I have never heard before. It may suit your friend a little better...
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Old May 29th, 2008, 09:02   #144
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Originally Posted by PvtSpartykus View Post
Fanticization is m new favourite word!!! to fanticizate, fanticizating... wow the possibilities are endless! (Sorry I have this thing with made up words see. It's just the euh.. how can I say this..hmmm I like them, that's pretty much all I got ) Anyhow good one

I can see how that would be appealing though, putting a bead through a little gap at a distance of 30 meters sounds absolutely magnificent. Although, don't you get fatigued of having to wait long lapses of time before firing at a target? I know I would. In addition the bulky ghillie creates an added element of movment restriction. I need to run in order to find anything interesting(I run marathon and jog regularily so I become antzy) if I'm in the same position for toolong, which I suppose is bad quality when you happen to be pined.

The M24 is probably the most beautiful sniper rifle because there are so many available custom options. Although I do like the MK96, the stock is utterly stunning.

Thank you for your interesting commentary and description


If I know a target is right there, I don't mind waiting with the crosshairs on the spot I saw him or part of his body pop out. Not like I wait half an hour or so, generally it's a couple mins at the most.

And yes, movement with a ghillie on is slow, largely because of getting caught up on branches and shit, is why I rarely actually wear my ghillie. Yes, you may ask when I decide to wear it, largely when I see a use for it, and also have the set up time to use it. For the most part it's used beginning of the day for a couple or more hours, recon/observation, then later will take it off and go the rest of the day in my BDUs. Think the only times I've worn it all day was for sniper games where there was a need for it, like being hunted or there were objectives for the sniper to accomplish.
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Old May 29th, 2008, 12:43   #145
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Lol glad to see someone in the same situation as me. Trust me, once he reads through this thread he will gain a better understanding of what a "sniper" really does and how he performs on the feild. One of the most interesting ideas brought up to me on this thread was the DM role, which I have never heard before. It may suit your friend a little better...
that is the problem, he is too ignorant to even read this thread. he knows that i am trying to turn him off the pure sniper role, and so he dosent want to read the proof that being a sniper isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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Old May 29th, 2008, 13:31   #146
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fuck it, let them become 1337 snipers. after a bundle of cash into a sniper kit with no kills and LOTS of deaths they will change their tune. I'd let them make their own mistaken decisions after I have provided ample info regarding the pros and cons.
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old May 29th, 2008, 13:34   #147
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I have 0 desire to be a sniper. None. After playing around with a few bolt actions, I'd rather just hose em.

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Old May 29th, 2008, 14:25   #148
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Originally posted by schwag:

I have 0 desire to be a sniper. None. After playing around with a few bolt actions, I'd rather just hose em.
I completely agree although mybe not spraying. It'd be more satisfying to rush them them and scare them by litterally running, advancing extremely quickly, towards their position.


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Old May 29th, 2008, 14:29   #149
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I was about ready to give up on sniping myself, as all the bolt action rifles I've bought have been inaccurate as hell and would require a large amount of money sunk into them for them to be accurate. However, I gave it one last shot and acquired a JG BAR-10 a month ago. Did a complete clean on the inside (barrel, hopup assembly, cylinder and all), threw in a nineball hopup rubber, modified the airbrake. All in all I've spent about $450 on everything, shipped to my door (gun, parts, and a 3-9X40mm illuminated scope) and she's accurate as hell now! I love her. Every shot goes exactly where I put my crosshairs (out to about 150 feet, then you have to start compensating) and with the airbrake mod done, she's shooting just under 500fps, I'd say.

The JG BAR-10 gets my vote for anyone trying to get their feet wet for sniping and not break the bank!
Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato View Post
And you're calling us immature? Neuter yourself with a hammer.
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It will help to not get you flamed here, and will help you get a job that doesn't require the repeated use of the phrase "Would you like fries with that?"
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Old May 29th, 2008, 15:17   #150
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Originally Posted by bissa View Post
that is the problem, he is too ignorant to even read this thread. he knows that i am trying to turn him off the pure sniper role, and so he dosent want to read the proof that being a sniper isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Trust me, once he reads this thread, he will think twice before purchasing sniper equipment. Tell him that there are many posts on this thread that state examples and scenerios of playing the sniper role, he will find it very helpful. But hey, if he is that determined...let him make his own decision.

Good Luck

Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
fuck it, let them become 1337 snipers. after a bundle of cash into a sniper kit with no kills and LOTS of deaths they will change their tune. I'd let them make their own mistaken decisions after I have provided ample info regarding the pros and cons.
The only reason I disagree with you is because once they spend a bundle of cash on sniper equipment and find out that they do not like the position of a sniper, they will most likely lose interest in the sport entirely. Which is way I made this thread for those certain individuals...

Some more great posts guys, couldn't ask for more
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