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BB Bastard "Sniper Grade" 0.36g and 0.40g review



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Old April 7th, 2009, 11:05   #46
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so atm, i should use my .30g weight in my Kar98k. thanks for the info.
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Old April 7th, 2009, 11:05   #47
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Higher friction will give more spin. Harder rubber is likely to disrupt the BB path a bit too much. I'd rather have more of a high friction kiss than a whack on the BB's head. I've used 0.36g relatively fine over the years, but my rifle was shooting around 500fps. Asking a rifle shooting 430fps to lob a heavy BB past 150ft is a challenge. I shot at a guy about 160ft away and aimed at him, literally, his head in the bottom of my scope, I still fell short.
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Old April 7th, 2009, 11:17   #48
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Higher friction will give more spin. Harder rubber is likely to disrupt the BB path a bit too much. I'd rather have more of a high friction kiss than a whack on the BB's head. I've used 0.36g relatively fine over the years, but my rifle was shooting around 500fps. Asking a rifle shooting 430fps to lob a heavy BB past 150ft is a challenge. I shot at a guy about 160ft away and aimed at him, literally, his head in the bottom of my scope, I still fell short.
I'm talking about the little cylindrical rubber that pushes down on the bucking. The harder that is, the more hop up(Friction will be the same with the hop up rubber, but there will be more spin). Prom Hard is the hardest one I've ever had.
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Old April 7th, 2009, 12:46   #49
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I actually removed the one I had in behind my RH65 rubber, it was actually a translucent white solid chunk of something, way harder than any known hop up bucking. Maybe I can try it with my Guarder clear. I used to use the clear back in the day and loved it, even with 0.36g, but I was shooting higher than 450fps anyways then.
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Old April 8th, 2009, 10:01   #50
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Oh, just to reiterate since BB weight and velocity has come up, last year I was getting close to 300ft distance (about a 20ft group though) using 0.30g Bastards and having my M24 set up for around 340fps, was all in the way the hop up was tweaked. So any velocity under 450fps should be using less than 0.36g and more than 0.28g (found the 0.30g net me more distance and consistant flight than the 0.28g). 0.36g and the 0.40g should be used over 450fps, which I see as a small market due to most fields going with 450fps as a maximum, yet some fields will allow trusted and skilled snipers to run 500fps rifles knowing they never had a problem with engagment distances (minimum 100ft for me, even at times I've NOT taken the shot at that distance unless I could guaranteee a webbing hit).
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Old April 8th, 2009, 10:31   #51
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Oh, just to reiterate since BB weight and velocity has come up, last year I was getting close to 300ft distance (about a 20ft group though) using 0.30g Bastards and having my M24 set up for around 340fps, was all in the way the hop up was tweaked. So any velocity under 450fps should be using less than 0.36g and more than 0.28g (found the 0.30g net me more distance and consistant flight than the 0.28g). 0.36g and the 0.40g should be used over 450fps, which I see as a small market due to most fields going with 450fps as a maximum, yet some fields will allow trusted and skilled snipers to run 500fps rifles knowing they never had a problem with engagment distances (minimum 100ft for me, even at times I've NOT taken the shot at that distance unless I could guaranteee a webbing hit).
so on a hot day, i should be running .36g + in my Tanaka Kar98k as i have heard it max out at around 465fps + depending on the ambient temperature.
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Old April 8th, 2009, 11:15   #52
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
so on a hot day, i should be running .36g + in my Tanaka Kar98k as i have heard it max out at around 465fps + depending on the ambient temperature.
You should be fine. You ARE running a gas rifle afterall. If I can get a 0.36g or 0.43g BB out to ~130ft with my slightly upgraded Glock 19............. mind you that's aiming for the head or slightly above the head and hitting the chest.
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Old April 15th, 2009, 08:47   #53
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Well, guess what? I washed my 0.30g and my 0.36g BBs (warm water, dishsoap, rinsed and left to dry), installed a Guarder Clear rubber in my M24, found my fps to sit right around 400fps (which was perfect due to a game I had on Saturday, largely close quarters stuff, sniper rifle limit was 400fps w/0.20g), and found with full hop up prior to game, I could easily get my 0.36g out to 200ft and even able to plop many of them into a ~18" hole into the big white barrel things I was shooting at. So nutshell, we're talking a 0.36g BB travelling around 300fps and giving me really good range and consistancy, even in mild gusting winds.

I'lll have to post this up in a separate thread just to bring it to other's attention, high fps doesn't necessarily mean extra range. Am going to likely keep my M24 set up this way because I loved the way it shoot last game (was a tack driver!) Best part about having it set to 400fps is I can shoot guys at closer ranges, like 60ft, as long as I can plant the round on webbing or a pouch, which is easy. Oh ya, I have my scope set high, so point of impact is around 120-130ft, but inside of that the rounds hit high. Remember shooting a guy the other night about 100ft away, I aimed for his vest around the left nipple (he was partially facing away) and my BB hit him in the upper arm, I saw his fleece get tugged up there.

So overall before and during this game, I must have shot an easy 150 rounds (am sure quite a few guys didn't call the hit, no way I was missing at 100-140ft), and even with a dirty tightbore, I was still able to clear my last shot in the staging area on the range, 2ft x 2ft steel plate about 180ft away (in the dark with a non-illuminated scope) same as I had done pre-game.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; April 15th, 2009 at 08:55..
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