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Best Motor for your gun?


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Old March 28th, 2009, 21:46   #16
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Or bad wiring/connections. Big problem with CA guns imo.
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Old March 28th, 2009, 22:24   #17
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The best motor on the market for a balance of performance and price like you're asking for is still the TM EG1000. Anybody who tells you different doesn't have a lot of experience with them and others.

Now my setups are a little extreme, but at 400 FPS with .25's at 25 RPS on a 10.8v 4200mah battery I still get 2+ shots per mah (more like 3 since I primarily use full-auto). In my more reasonable setups at 400 FPS with .2's on a large 9.6v I get 20-21 RPS. The TM EG1000 still lasts for a good 50,000+ rounds before it starts to slow down. You can't say the same for motors like the Systema Magnum (energy hog to the max, bad pinion gear, and isolation issues if you don't fix it), Eagle Force 1300 and 1100 (energy hog and not as fast), ICS 2/3000 (energy hogs, not as fast again), and G&P M120 and M160 (better QC than Systema, a second on performance, but I've already burned out two).

There are certainly better performing motors out there, even for the same price (G&P M120 spins a lot faster for the same price) but they don't last as long, and are not nearly as energy efficient.
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Old March 29th, 2009, 02:08   #18
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TM motors are the most reliable in my experience but are no where near the top for torque or speed, they are the best for energy efficiency as TriChrome says.

G&P motors are really nice for the price, much better performance than TM but they have been known to fail much sooner than TM motors.

SystemA Magnum is the best motor there is that I have tried (and I have tried practically all brands.) It has insane torque and speed which delivers much nicer trigger response than anything else. It actually has a higher speed than the SystemA Turbo. It does cost US$79 for the new Magnum I have no idea.

In terms of speed vs. torque always go for torque. A good high torque motor will actually have faster trigger response and a higher maximum speed under load than a high speed motor. With the exact same internals a SystemA Magnum gives 2rps higher ROF than a SystemA turbo in my ICS CQBR. Fires 26rps with the Magnum, 24rps with the Turbo, and 21rps with a TM EG1000. The Magnum is power hungry though, you will drain batteries faster than any other motor and its really good to upgrade to 16 or 14awg wiring for the extra amperage.

Lots of people complain about the crappy pinion gears on SystemA motors and they do strip a lot faster than any other brand even though its supposed to be chromoly hardened steel but once its properly adjusted they last forever. While playing around with different gear sets you can strip a pinion gear on a SystemA fairly easily, but once set I have run them for tens of thousands of rounds with very little wear showing up on them. They do have by far the easiest to replace pinion gears though, just need an allen and some loctite, no special pinion gear removal contraption required. TM definitely win for the most durable pinion gears.

Guarder are nice but I find G&P outperform them. CA are junk with a high failure rate, nice if they run but unreliable in my experience. JG and other China brands are crap, worse than junk; they run fine if they work but have a ridiculously high failure rate even out of the box and seem to have random torque from motor to motor, zero consistency.

Best motor: SystemA Magnum
Best bang for buck: G&P M140 torque type
Best for reliability and run time: TM EG1000

The new SystemA Magnum is rated for springs up to M170...but what about the Prometheus M210 that is available?

Last edited by LUTNIT; March 29th, 2009 at 02:12..
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Old March 30th, 2009, 02:14   #19
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I'm with Crunch on this one. My JG motor kicks the crap out of the TM EG1000 in terms of performance. Durability I can't comment on since I sold the gun with the EG1000 but the JG is still going strong pulling an M120 with standard gears and shows no sign of slowing down. I don't have experience with any other motors besides the ICS Turbo 2000 (which was alright but obviously isn't up to the EG1000 or JG performance level) so I can only compare the JG and TM directly.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 02:30   #20
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The problem with JG motors is they are inconsistent. I have gotten motors that are identical in appearance and from the same generation of motor but have totally different levels of torque. One might be great but the next could be crap. I value consistency above random performance thus why I dislike many Chinese brands and most cheap and average batteries. JG motors also seem to run a random length of time, sometimes they run forever almost and other times they burn out in very short order. Same goes for their mechboxes and even guns. They are designed for performance but the lower quality control than other brands means they have a relatively high rate of lemons.

I totally forgot about ICS motors. Turbo 3000's (current generation, the initial production run was heavily flawed) have incredible speed and torque, the magnets inside them seem almost as strong as those in a SystemA Magnum. They still aren't as reliable as TM motors though. The only TM motors I have seen fail are ones that where heavily abused or those that have run for many years (4+ years) in guns that see a lot of use (rental guns and the like.)
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Old March 30th, 2009, 07:54   #21
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The motor in my brand new TM burned out about a week after I got it, actually. Didn't even see 1000 rounds of plinking before it fried.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 10:54   #22
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
The motor in my brand new TM burned out about a week after I got it, actually. Didn't even see 1000 rounds of plinking before it fried.
That can be caused by bad motor adjustment and horrible shimming.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 11:11   #23
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Well, my TM was nothing but problems from day 1. The gun was basically a piece of crap. Brand new and nothing but one major problem after another.
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Old March 30th, 2009, 13:05   #24
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Originally Posted by TriChrome View Post
The best motor on the market for a balance of performance and price like you're asking for is still the TM EG1000. Anybody who tells you different doesn't have a lot of experience with them and others.

Now my setups are a little extreme, but at 400 FPS with .25's at 25 RPS on a 10.8v 4200mah battery I still get 2+ shots per mah (more like 3 since I primarily use full-auto). In my more reasonable setups at 400 FPS with .2's on a large 9.6v I get 20-21 RPS. The TM EG1000 still lasts for a good 50,000+ rounds before it starts to slow down. You can't say the same for motors like the Systema Magnum (energy hog to the max, bad pinion gear, and isolation issues if you don't fix it), Eagle Force 1300 and 1100 (energy hog and not as fast), ICS 2/3000 (energy hogs, not as fast again), and G&P M120 and M160 (better QC than Systema, a second on performance, but I've already burned out two).

There are certainly better performing motors out there, even for the same price (G&P M120 spins a lot faster for the same price) but they don't last as long, and are not nearly as energy efficient.

I agree here TM motors are best dollar value. I have not had a pinion gear problem with my Magnum, and I havent noticed a problem with it being a power hog but I don't shoot 2k+ rds in a day. (9.6v nimh G&P style crane battery AA)
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Old March 30th, 2009, 18:01   #25
El Cactus Loco
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
Though from my experience, their pinion gears suck ass. Motors still very good mind you. Guarders are really nice though, same with CA.
agreed. altho the gear is a *bitch* to replace. guarder makes better motors than G&P (stronger magnets, try turning both by hand) but i found the gear to be the weak point again. imho its better to go with a motor with the replaceable gears, like systema and CA i believe. both have gears that attach via grub screw, not just a crummy interference fit with some lock-tite.but in terms of motor quality+cost, guarder works for me.
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