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Ebaybanned review.



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Old April 9th, 2008, 22:29   #1
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Ebaybanned review.

This is a review of Ebaybanned, IMO a great airsoft site.
Note: There's only a few reviews on ebaybanned, and seeing how it is such a great site, (IMO) I felt like passing the word.

So anyways, on March 20th I had decided I needed some sort of scope, new handgaurds, and a new mag. So I get on to google, and start different variants of "Airsoft parts," "airsoft optics and magazines" ect. When I found ebaybanned.
I guess I got lucky twice,

because Ebaybanned had made a mistake, they had forgotten to update their site. I had ordered a 50$ ACOG scope. No trademakrs, just an on/off switch, and no wind/elevation adjustment. I ordered a full metal DBoys RIS handgaurd for around 30$, and a plastic mid-cap magazine. (Clone brand)

Here's where I get lucky. The Acog scope turned out to be out of stock, so they ship me a 90$ ACOG scope with full trademarks, 6 different brightness settings, and a switch to adjust the dot's position. (Me paying only the original ACOG's price, of 50$.) Then, the magazine I ordered ended up to be a full metal high-cap HK magazine of around 28$. (Again, they did not charge me extra, I only payed the original price of the clone magazine which was 15$. I was happy.)

The only thing that worried me a little was when they shipped the handguard separate, being delivered later, I had thought they forgot about the handgaurds.

Long story short,

Great service, responds quickly to e-mails, cheap prices, but you have to be patient for the orders to reach your doorstep.

I highly recommend business with them. I know I'll be dealing with them in the future...
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