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New Indoor Paintball and Airsoft field



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Old September 7th, 2007, 10:28   #16
A Total Bastard
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Wait a second A new Gatineau field and the person is not age verrified, Either has never played , or maybe it is an old player who would like to keep his name unknown ( NightAngel ) perhaps.

Last edited by testtube; September 7th, 2007 at 11:24..
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Old September 7th, 2007, 12:46   #17
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Old September 7th, 2007, 13:40   #18
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HAAAAA! you found me again!! Dam!
The simple thing of the matter is that my name is not Henry Baddan or Justin is Pierre Patenaude, also known as ..yes Night Angel.
My way of thinking is simple, theire was a big misunderstanding from many parts at that time and lots of confusion from many parties. So for me, what ever happend is in the past. the only thing that I am offering to you guys is the possibility of playing the sport that you love in a safe and fun place. If you are not interested well that fine, its not a problem, the field is a paintball field, that is my maine market, I just thaught that it would be a fun place for airsofters to play inside on rainy days or in the winter time, to eighter practice or have little skirmish match.

as per safety consern well everything is inspected by the city, and yes all the neons will be inclosed in a lexan tube casing.

As per pricing, its per hr, if you guys decide to book on a slow day well it will be same price but longer game play, example 10:00$ for the day if theire is no paintball games booked that day, needless to say paintball is my main income so priority goes to it.

I will be holding some OPsgear stuff but thats will be the closet that I will get to selling airsoft BBs, parts, or airsoft guns will be sold in the store.

With that sayd, well...for those of you interested feel free to come and play for the others well....I am sorry that you feel that way!
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Old September 7th, 2007, 13:45   #19
A Total Bastard
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Just looking out for the comunity in general no offence to you but you put a soure toughts in alot of players heads.
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Old September 7th, 2007, 13:55   #20
Lego Head
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Originally Posted by Tri-Balle View Post
HAAAAA! you found me again!! Dam!
The simple thing of the matter is that my name is not Henry Baddan or Justin is Pierre Patenaude, also known as ..yes Night Angel.
My way of thinking is simple, theire was a big misunderstanding from many parts at that time and lots of confusion from many parties. So for me, what ever happend is in the past. the only thing that I am offering to you guys is the possibility of playing the sport that you love in a safe and fun place. If you are not interested well that fine, its not a problem, the field is a paintball field, that is my maine market, I just thaught that it would be a fun place for airsofters to play inside on rainy days or in the winter time, to eighter practice or have little skirmish match.

as per safety consern well everything is inspected by the city, and yes all the neons will be inclosed in a lexan tube casing.

As per pricing, its per hr, if you guys decide to book on a slow day well it will be same price but longer game play, example 10:00$ for the day if theire is no paintball games booked that day, needless to say paintball is my main income so priority goes to it.

I will be holding some OPsgear stuff but thats will be the closet that I will get to selling airsoft BBs, parts, or airsoft guns will be sold in the store.

With that sayd, well...for those of you interested feel free to come and play for the others well....I am sorry that you feel that way!

OMG! You said the secret name that is never to be said, look out he'll get his lawyers to sue you!

You don't even take the time to spell check your advertisements or responses, and expect us to go play at $20 an hour? Thats utterly a ridiculous
pricing considering the market available to you. For $20 all local players can go to the LZ and get a FULL day of airsoft. And all you have to do is bring a walk-man or MP3 player if you MUST have "hitman" music playing.

As well, you forget that it was you that asked the entire Canadian airsoft community for help in ideas and set up for an airsoft field. Asking for things like scenarios and so on. When people asked you a question, you spazzed and told everyone to fuck off, or go fuck themselves. This new field still doesn't answer ANY of those questions before that Savage Harris brought up.

As for the pictures, it looks as if you wasted more time shooting that one sheet of plywood than actually doing anything with the area. And its sad that when you come to the community, attempting to yet again, pull money from our pockets you can't even have updated pictures. Those are two weeks old? You couldn't have gotten pictures two hours old to post today? Today being the date you wish to unveil your little "field."

Anyone that wishes to go waste $20 an hour on your field, have fun. I'll keep my $20 and buy a case of beer to sit back, relax, and read the "$20/h FOR THAT?!" when they all come back.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old September 7th, 2007, 14:42   #21
Red Tiger
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Here only one recommandation. You take it or not doesn't matter.

Run your Paintball field, during winter find your weak day or evening and make a special for the Airsoft community.

In montreal some players play in a paintball field during winter.

They have the wednesday night per 2 week. it's 25$ from 18:00 to 23:00.

It's still expensive if you compare to outdoor private games, but it still worth it. They have actually around 20 players every 2 week all winter long.

Just my input.

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Old September 7th, 2007, 14:55   #22
Brian McIlmoyle
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Airsoft is underpriced

For some reason airsoft players will not accept prices in excess of Paintball field fees.

We all know Paintball fields make their bread and butter on paint... otherwise they would not have a common "no outside paint" rule

This reluctance to go outside of the $25.00 per day fee basically eliminates the possibility of the creation of a full time Airsoft only venue as the market will not accept a fee structure to make it viable.

So Airsofters as a rule... complain about paint... and paintballers... and bemoan our lot as second class citizens in a paintball world... but won't pony up the coin to affect change....

In the current market... airsoft only = bad business

I can only afford to do it because I don't have to support my venue with is just one of many programs offered.. that all together , pay the bills.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 7th, 2007, 16:46   #23
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Tell you what guys. This new place is about 5 minutes from my house. I'll eventually drive by it and tell you what I think.

Of course, since I'm one of the guys he asked help from only to lie to me later, my comments will be totally biased...

Even if it's indoors, I dont see why I should attend when the cost of less than two hours (with the trimmings) gets me to Montreal and back, plus would let me attend an all-day game (or attend a local game if ever I do it again and grab a 24 of beer after for the same cash).

Basic truth here is what Drach said. Me? I dont really care one way or the other. I just dont like being lied to.
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Old September 12th, 2007, 15:35   #24
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Originally Posted by Tri-Balle View Post
Tri-Balle Indoor Paintball-Airsoft field
Grand opening 21 of September 2007
Located in Gatineau
776 Maloney
I drove by the location today.

For Sale/Rent signs are still up (normally those go down the moment a place is acquired).
Broken boarded up windows.
Empty parking lot.
No workers or such visible.

I know it's not the 21st yet, just saying what I saw.
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Old September 12th, 2007, 17:25   #25
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Ok..if your going to burn the place or could at least stop and come inside, it will be my plesure to give you the grand tour......I am theire normaly from 08:30 till 22:00 every day...and if I am not theire then call me my number is posted on the first page...I will go over and open the door for you...just dont drive by and say looks like this....the outside is the last thing on my agenda.

and by the way the for rent sign is still theire becose the agent ask me if he could leave it up till the 21 of september, its advertisement for him. just dont go asuming thing your not sure of.

Last edited by Tri-Balle; September 12th, 2007 at 17:29..
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Old September 12th, 2007, 18:15   #26
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I reported what I saw, I stand by what I said.

There's a difference between stating what I saw and flaming. If you want flaming, it was already provided by others.
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Old September 12th, 2007, 22:40   #27
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For those of you who are interested, well here are some updated pictures of the center, that were taken tonight .
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Old September 12th, 2007, 22:53   #28
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Just another one no where near me... how great.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 01:44   #29
Savage Haggis
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Show of Hands!!

Who would pay just to lay back & shoot the lights out!?

Be honest...

KOS, I'm looking in your direction...

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Quite the thread; seen the return of Savage Haggis and the end of an empire.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 02:14   #30
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Wtf? Why would I shoot lights out?

.... but...soo many..unprotected lights.... almost... hypnotizing... *twitch*...
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