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VFC HK416D 145RS redo


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Old July 22nd, 2007, 19:57   #1
Blackspeed416's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2007
VFC HK416D 145RS redo

He are some crappy photos I took of my first AEG with my KWA KP8 and TM Sig P226. A friend and I took some good pix I'll them post later after he sends them to me.

I’ve given up trying to figure out how to actually post the pix here and have decide to post links to them instead.

Well this is it! My HK416D 145RS with the US VFC VF416D trades. I choose to with the US version because I knew they have a small problem with there fire select plate and being a Newbie I wanted to have the support of my local shop. Also the US trades are very nice and if you didn’t know VFC is an Airsoft company you would think they were a trade from a real Fire Arms company. But it didn’t turn out well because the local shop I stayed next to in Corp housing is very slow in getting to work on and mod guns. It can take over 2 weeks to get your gun fix there. In contrast brought the gun to my local AEX in Sacramento and they had it back to me the next day, I was very impressed.

I’m also very impressed with VFC’s HK416D. It’s awesome to look at with amazing details to not only materials but textures and color as well. It is a well balanced gun and having moved the battery to the back I don’t have to use the fake PEQ offsetting the weight to the front.

This also allows me to use a bigger battery with the gun a 9.6v 4200mAh 35amp battery to exact. Compare to the custom 9.6v 2000mAh 30amp battery for the PEQ2 in other word much bigger. I spoke to AEX before ordering the battery to inquire if it was safe and they gave me the go ahead.

So how does is shoot? Well it kick :censored2: I crono’d it at AEX with my new battery and it shot 350fps on the nose with a killer ROF. A few guys that were there asked me if it had a Systema Turbo motor, I explained it is stock but has an EG1300 high speed motor and steel gear box… I think they were impressed as well. This beside the external quality and finish of VFC HK416D was the deciding factor for my purchase. I wanted a high ROF and powerful fps that I could use anywhere and still be with end limits. I also didn’t want mod the gun to get this. Keeping the integrity of the stock gear box was a priority. And no being a Newbie I didn’t want to purchase a Systema PTW but I real enjoy play airsoft so I won’t count it out for the future.

Skirmishing with my HK416 has been a good experience it’s very accurate and I have yet to be out gunned one on one. Even to the point where players where ducking when they heard it while playing CQB at Shadow Tactical. After the skirmishes players came up to me tell how hard it hit. I did run it to the fire select problem and had to go side arm in a few skirmish situations, but it was no problem because I’m much better with my pistols at this point anyway and that what they’re there for.

The fire select problem cost me 30 buck to fix in the end so no great loss.

I have a cheapo red dot on it at the moment but intend to purchase an Eotech 552 red dot for it as well as a full Bushnell NVG and Hurricane PEQ setup.

I also want to get the shorter 10” barrel for a shorter profile and the ability to project less when slicing the pie in tighter CQB situations.

Here are a few pix from AEX of the Phoebus Weaponized Sawtooth Tact-Light.

OLT I would like to remove the orange of my KWA KP8 but when I tried using acetone one my TM Sig I ended up ruining the finish. Any pointers?
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Old July 22nd, 2007, 22:14   #2
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All, i can say is... NICE 416!!!
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old July 23rd, 2007, 11:19   #3
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Try painting the tip of your P8 instead of removing the orange on the tip, use matte black paint and a little brush, you might want to sand the tip a little before that.
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Old July 23rd, 2007, 11:35   #4
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Awesome rifle.
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Old July 23rd, 2007, 16:47   #5
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try nail polish remover first to remove the paint, If it works, use some silicone oil or wax and buff it up so its has a consistent shine.

If nail polish remover doesn't work, then you could gentle sand off the paint or like sierra said, paint over it.

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Old July 28th, 2007, 01:03   #6
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I APPRECIATE the comments and the help.
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Old July 29th, 2007, 03:40   #7
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I went to CQB City with my HK416 and played a lot of games with no malfunctions, but something did happen. While I was at a full sprint I trip over a step-up on a ramp and fell flat on my gun knocking the wind out of me. I weigh over 200 pounds and instantly thought my gun was destroyed, after getting up, finding cover, and catching my breath I looked over the gun and to my surprise there was no noticeable damage. I fired a couple test shots and ever seemed ok. After the game I was able to take a closer look at it and the only damage is a quarter inch nick on the rail the hit the ground. I must say I was pretty impressed since the damage on my body is much worse.

OBTW: this happened on a concrete floor.
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Old July 30th, 2007, 02:45   #8
Official Crybaby Chairsofter
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Location: Montreal, QC
Originally Posted by Blackspeed416 View Post

I went to CQB City with my HK416 and played a lot of games with no malfunctions, but something did happen. While I was at a full sprint I trip over a step-up on a ramp and fell flat on my gun knocking the wind out of me. I weigh over 200 pounds and instantly thought my gun was destroyed, after getting up, finding cover, and catching my breath I looked over the gun and to my surprise there was no noticeable damage. I fired a couple test shots and ever seemed ok. After the game I was able to take a closer look at it and the only damage is a quarter inch nick on the rail the hit the ground. I must say I was pretty impressed since the damage on my body is much worse.

OBTW: this happened on a concrete floor.
VFC 1 : Blackspeed416 0
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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