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two questions regarding airsoft law, and finding an airsoft.


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old April 5th, 2007, 11:47   #31
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
I'm starting with another 5 or 6 kids who are all just getting into airsoft, so that's who I'll be playing with out in the bush, then hopefully in another year or so we can start up a team, or join one, and start playing and heading out to around the toronto area, but for the next couple of years it just isn't feasible to go out just to look at a couple of guns(considering just finding a way we could possibly get there is the hardest problem).

What I was going to do a few days ago was just get something cheap until I can get out to see what true airsoft has to offer, but I was very specifically told many times now, that It'd be best for me to get a nicer gun, instead of wasting my money on something that will do me nothing at all.

We have all been doing our research and looking at guns, and gear and such but at the same time, not being able to try it, we're basing our facts off of other peoples opinions.

the problem isn't having somewhere to play, we can play out of town on my friends property, nice big wooded area, cellphone reception and the house nearby, safty is almost fully thought out (still got plenty of time to think about everything) but the problem is, I'm not getting in with a group of airsofters who are already in possesion of their own AEG's and such, Our goal was to get hopefully one or two of our guns this summer, then get everyone else a gun throughout the next year, the summer area is where some of us start turning eighteen so it works out nice.

We'll see how things turn out over the next year or two
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Old April 5th, 2007, 14:11   #32
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
You may want to check a few things before you start a group to play in the bush or private property.

Stuff like local laws, age of players, insurance coverage. Want to try and do it right? Be patient enough to go to an event and try everything you see. Most folks are happy to let new people try guns.

Another thing to consider; one person over 18 is not considered to be enough for coverage in case shit happens. It has to be a parent.

Almost all of the problems you are facing now can be removed the moment all of you are at least 18. It's really worth waiting for, and it covers your ass legally in most ways except for insurance.

That is just another reason why you guys should do the smart thing and wait.

There's enough problems with this game/sport lately without taking added risks instead of waiting a bit.

None of this stops you from arranging a group visit to a game this summer to see what it's all about. This is as clear a suggestion as I can make; you are going into this far too quickly for no good reason.
listen to this man
Stop Sulking About It! - Prioritize & Organize! - Canadian Airsoft Is Not A Crime!

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Old April 5th, 2007, 15:49   #33
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
maybe I'll check back in a couple of years, hopefully I get a vehicle before i hit university

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Old April 5th, 2007, 16:38   #34
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Many of us are into cars too; tuners, racers, muscle. It's equally addictive, and more useful on a daily basis.
You forgot Hot Wheels.....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old April 5th, 2007, 16:40   #35
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
Well, If me and some friends can get a greyhound down to an event or two this year, I guarantee there will be a gun in my hands the day I turn eighteen.. or an invoice for an order, depending on if my parents order it for me, or i have to do so myself..

As for another hobby while I wait to get to a show or a gun or something, I was considering doing up paintball, but from the looks of it that can be costly (especially when it comes to paints) and I'm not sure on the age thing on that either, so rather then try to get into It, I'm just gonna do a lot of camping out in Goulais with my friend, just a simple tent and maybe BB gun target practice trips, to wherever, just to get away from the city,

Thank you again for all the help,
(most unfortunate part is, My birthday is in january, not very good weather for airsoft (around here, at least), so maybe I'll have to wait a while after that before getting a gun)
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Old April 5th, 2007, 22:07   #36
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What i don't get about this whole replica thing is I've seen beretta 92fs, and Walther p99 BB guns selling at Canadian tire that are exact copy's of real steel down to the trade marks and airsoft is basically the same except for ammunition and use yet it's seen as a replica.

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old April 6th, 2007, 10:39   #37
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
You may have gotten the wrong impression about the whole parents getting it thing..

If I am ready to make my decision, my parents (who have run out of things to get for me, as I am not that much of a kid who wants much stuff) will probably order the one I'm going to order FOR me, but I'll only ever SEE it on my eighteenth, so it will only be in my possession when it legally can be, or is there another problem in that?

And yeah, my friend who lives out of town has a nice pellet gun or two that we can shoot some cans and stuff with
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Old April 6th, 2007, 11:26   #38
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
Again, maybe i should be a little more descriptive, it's my fault.. I'll try to completely clear this one up including some parts that haven't been picked at yet.

What I mean by "when I'm ready" is if i get to some shows this summer, and have the chance to see and fire the two or three guns i've seen, I completely agree with your advice, and I will follow it.

And as for the camping thing (I might as well just put a blanket over it right now) My friends dad takes us out camping every summer, we bring a few guitars (all of us, including the father are guitarists of 4+ years) and a couple of pellet guns, shoot some cans, do some campfire music, all that fun stuff.

the airsoft thing came from the pellet guns basically, we wanted to be able to play something like that against each other, and paintball was the first thought, but again paintball is messy and can be quite expensive, and I started meeting kids who were digging the whole airsoft thing (after reading the forums here, I can safely say that they played clearsoft though), and we wanted to get into that..

So two or three summers won't matter until we airsoft, I'm glad that I've learned about the sport enough to know how to get myself a nice gun and play safely..


edit, sorry I've been such a nuisance, I guess it's because I'm excited to go to a show, and actually touch a rifle (if they let me)

Last edited by MadeOfScars; April 6th, 2007 at 11:28..
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