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How exactly do seizures and customs work?



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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:03   #1
Amazing KG3
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How exactly do seizures and customs work?


Last edited by Amazing KG3; October 10th, 2006 at 05:43..
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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:08   #2
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You can rest assured that guys who've done group orders before are flagged by customs and their orders are thoroughly inspected. Which means bye-bye P90, and possibly the rest of the order as well if they want to be dicks about it. If this comes from a retailer with a license, you'll probably be OK, but lately, you know the story.

You can also rest assured that the shipper is also flagged as they've done alot of shipments to Canada, so even a first-time group orderer will likely be inspected.

I think you know the answer to this dilemna already.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:17   #3
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Off topic, but it does relate to the title.

What exacly happens when an article (ex, AEG) is siezed?

Are the shipper or the reciever informed in any way?

About how long does it take between time of seizure and time of notice?
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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:26   #4
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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
Off topic, but it does relate to the title.

What exacly happens when an article (ex, AEG) is siezed?

Are the shipper or the reciever informed in any way?

About how long does it take between time of seizure and time of notice?

When seizure is enforced, the particulars of the seizure are sent to you in a written notice of action by the CBSA. This can occur months after the actual seizure date, but the notice itself is also dated and this date is used as a start point for timed limits for response or action (appeal) by the person or company listed on the notice.

The CBSA holds all items in storage until all appeals and time limits are exhausted, then they can be processed for destruction if necessary.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 23:54   #5
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if items are seized by customs, and an appeal is processed, is it possible that you'd be able to get the aeg once everything is settled? or are they always "processed for destruction"?
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Old October 10th, 2006, 00:02   #6
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if they stop it ,unless you have the propper paperwork they won't release it to you. Your best bet would be to tell them it was shipped in error and try and get them to return it to sender so you can get a refund.


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Old October 10th, 2006, 00:06   #7
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Let's play hypothetical:

You order an AEG which is actually designed, labelled and capable of shooting in excess of 407 FPS. Currently, the only AEG's capable of all three feats are the Systema Max PTW's (we will discount BA rifles for this scenario). If you imported this item, supplied the proper paperwork claiming it's veloctiy and this could be readily verified by a customs agent just by looking at the box or manual, and seizure was enforced claiming "replica firearm", you'd have very good grounds to win an appeal.

You have to play the appeal game with customs by their rules. If you can prove that the seizing agent violated either the law (unlikely) or the CBSA internal guidelines (available on-line), or gave you conditions for release that you comply with, then likely you will be successful. I have fought and won an appeal this way.

Now, if you were to try this with a CA, Marui or similar AEG, where it states on the box or in the manual that it shoots 90 or 100 m/s instead of the 124.5 that customs uses as a benchmark, then you will not be successful and your gun will end up as a blob of hydrocarbons.

The appeal that I won still ended up in gun destruction as I could not prove the velocity, but I did prove errors in the seizure and conditions for release were met at the time of the initial appeal, but by the final decision those conditions (license) were gone.

You have to play their game by their rules (not necessarily the law), and know and prove exactly what you're importing. That is the only way to beat them.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 00:19   #8
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WGC order? I'm gathering that it isn't a by rights...whom ever is doing the order should not submit the AEG into the order. THEY know it will be you should be in the clear. If they do submit the order with the AEG they shouldn't be doing orders in the first place.

However, if for some odd reason the gun does get ordered...your pretty much screwed. Customs checks out anything airsoft related. There seems to be someone in Customs who is kissing some ass and putting a hurt on for airsoft to make themselves look better. ( IMHO ).
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Old October 10th, 2006, 00:37   #9
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Just wondering how does one mix up an AEG with accessories? And when you pay that person, shouldn't you know you're paying for an AEG instead of accessories? (Just wondering, that's all)

I've received one of those letters before ordered a shotgun off ebay for a friend's b-day in the US. The seller shipped to my confirmed address instead of the address of my friend in arizona which I emailed him multipler times. But anyway, that letter I got had an option to return to sender for some reason. Before I actually got my writing to send back asking to be send back to the sender, the shotgun arrived at my house.

I'm not encouraging anyone to ship them in, just informing that the form I got had a return to sender option. This was actually done like 5-6yrs ago, so the process might of changed
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Old October 10th, 2006, 02:49   #10
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I am pretty sure anything from WGC, Redwolf Airsoft and all major airsoft retailer will be red flagged as soon as they see the parcel... but thats just my guess.......
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Old October 10th, 2006, 02:49   #11
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Before this degenerates, the original poster maybe panicked a bit too quickly; the person organizing the order (Raygis Lasvegas) knew not to include the P90 in the order.

So all's well.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 03:19   #12
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Just get the to write: "Baseball bat" and "present" on the box. Worked for the kid who got a real AK in the mail from the states.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 03:33   #13
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Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 View Post
I just ordered a p90 in the WGC order, lone be told, there was some miscummunication and there is now a AEG in the order, which is of course a restricted item.
Don't you mean, "lo and behold?"

Anyway, I should hope anyone who has done groups orders knows well enough to not ship AEGs into the country without the proper credentials. Have faith, lol.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 05:35   #14
Amazing KG3
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thanks alot guys, yeah i did panick, and the order was flagged and will still arrive in canada via a special order. however that works, as long as i get my AEG.
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