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Project Study For A New Airsoft Field Near Toronto



View Poll Results: Would you go and how frequently?
2-3 times a week. 20 22.99%
More than 3 times a week. 6 6.90%
Yes 62 71.26%
No. 11 12.64%
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Old September 21st, 2010, 14:17   #31
Armed Infidel
a.k.a. Bob Sickinger
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Speaking as someone who makes his living evaluating businesses and business opportunities I think Brian's and M102404's assessments are pretty much bang on. There is no margin in running a field in this sport and even retailers don't make substantial margins in this business. The market in this sport is not the yupee crowd that spend $5 on a mocha latte at Starbucks. This is a bring your own coffee in a thermos crowd or maybe splurge for a Timmy's, that's not a bad thing just a confirmation that folks don't spend money frivolously in this sport, money goes into gear so a retail outlet that is well stocked and reasonably priced might give you some advantage but you won't make any money in running games for all the reasons mentioned by Brian and M.

But if you go forward I wish you success.


I understand the attraction of such an investment as I have contemplated it myself but if you really want to do this I wouldn't do it in the GTA too much competition from "communal" fields. You might want to consider something well outside the GTA.

The Left both ways
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Old September 21st, 2010, 15:23   #32
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Originally Posted by Bob Sickinger View Post
The market in this sport is not the yupee crowd that spend $5 on a mocha latte at Starbucks. T

A grande caramel macchiato is only $4.66 and Im not a yupee!

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Old September 21st, 2010, 15:30   #33
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post

A grande caramel macchiato is only $4.66 and Im not a yupee!
Cafe Mocha myself, and I age verify at my local Starbucks (oh that reminds me I need to bump my AV thread for this thursday's meet up there!)

hmmm, that might be an idea... get some nice little snack bar at the venue. Reasonable prices too... it would be a value added feature to the venue for sure. Lockers, places to work on guns that go down during the game and a safe area to test fire them without interferring in the events on field (hated that at splatters)

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Last edited by Zeonprime; September 21st, 2010 at 15:32..
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Old September 21st, 2010, 16:32   #34
Armed Infidel
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Sorry T!!!!! Make a point to check my facts better next time!!!!
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Old September 22nd, 2010, 18:27   #35
Cobalt Caliber
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Sounds good, im a bit young myself, but toronto is about 40mins from my house, and i am very much hoping to play in toronto, and will be 18 in just over a year, and will play year round, no matter how cold it is, so if u plan on a outdoor facility you'll have atleast 1 player, but reading what the other guys say here makes alot of sense, and in reality if you want players to come, you've gotta listen to what the players want. But I expect you already realize that.

Good Luck, and I hope you succeed
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Old September 23rd, 2010, 17:09   #36
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Best bet would be linking up with an established business and expand it

Say one that already offers gear, training and other services
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Old September 26th, 2010, 23:29   #37
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I'll come as long as its not 18+(I don't understand why all the fields are 18+)

Last edited by SABER 1; September 26th, 2010 at 23:32..
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Old September 26th, 2010, 23:34   #38
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There are countless amount of threads regarding why fields are 18+. Use the search function. That might help.

Originally Posted by Chayce View Post
I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old September 27th, 2010, 08:51   #39
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Originally Posted by Farmboy View Post
Best bet would be linking up with an established business and expand it

Say one that already offers gear, training and other services
Are you hinting at something in the works ?


back to the thread I havent seen Golden post up anything in this thread regarding what he was asking us. hope he gives us an update soon.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old October 10th, 2010, 12:48   #40
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Well, this is just a thought, but, maybe we need to look outside of the ballistics box, maybe RC'ers can help.
RC'ers always look for a field that they can either fly at or drive at.
That being said, RC aircraft events can be held if this field gets MAAC covered, you can host fun flys, and other major events depending on the property size and availability. Usually RC guys don't mind paying to fly at an event or a field (trust me RC aircraft can cost shedloads of money and makes airsoft look EXTREMELY affordable and most of us would LOVE a close by field to fly).
This may take some doing as you will have to, of course, deal with the legalities of getting zoned, etc.
Theres also the possiblity of running an RC Car section, one section which would be offroad (maintained dirt track, think of it as a mini moto x course) and the other would be on road (concrete or paved) and you can host large events, the folks at can help with that. RC car owners will most definitely pay the entry fee because bashers and racers alike love to compete (and they're packin' $1000 machines). GLORCS also hosts winter races and their events straddle both sides of the border so you have some serious income there.
Of course you will have to host RC aircraft events on a different day than airsoft events to prevent someone from being a bastard (not BB bastard, then again.. lol) and trying to shoot the airplanes and heli's down.
For the most part we are responsible folks, which is why this site exists and is exemplary to a lot of the world but we need outdoors as it makes the COD and MW "L33t squad" reconsider 'masterblastin' their way through everything like they do with indoor games.
I hope these ideas help somewhat, I really don't see paintballers and airsofters getting along any time soon so lets put that pipe dream to rest.
Oh and please don't forget, you NEED really good scenarios.
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Old July 16th, 2014, 23:34   #41
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personally I think there are allot more fields dedicated specifically to paintball if there was a field that did not charge a fortune to play at and could be played every day of the week or at least six days a week instead of having to mold your schedule because the paintball field near where you live has one day a week like a Sunday between like nine and five so people with jobs cant play and sometimes they get the odd day off but I don't think this is just me but it is cheaper to play airsoft ammunition wise and if you are using an AEG then you don't have to pay for co2 and I mean that is a big reason why I and most of the people I now that play and the people I know will be playing like to and want to play airsoft but the other types of guns like gas guns and pump action guns but even then if the guns can work off propane it can still be cheaper.
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Old July 16th, 2014, 23:52   #42
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Holy necro batman! last reply before you was 2010. Do threads ever get locked on ASC?
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Old July 17th, 2014, 15:52   #43
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Sadly, only the good ones
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