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Old October 15th, 2022, 11:18   #1
Join Date: Oct 2022
Interested & New.


So I am looking at getting into airsoft possibly since I am a legal gun licensed gun owner (R-PAL) and I do enjoy things like laser tag as well, I figure that airsoft would in a sort of way combine the two and be fun.

I was under the impression that Bill C-21 was dead, but it seems it's been brought back.

Would it be wise or unwise to invest in airsoft at the current moment?

Besides that, there is a local "Free to play" outdoor field very close to me and I have already made contact with the owner, however, the downside is that it is bring your own equipment so there are no rentals, and that's only really a downside for right now, until I decide I am totally in and get my own equipment.

I would theoretically like to have a rifle and then a pistol.

Cost wise, maybe getting a pistol first would be better and then saving for a good rifle after?

I do know I'll need a mask for safety reasons.

Luckily I do live on a rural 5 acre property, so I can maybe even host my own games, even just one on one games with friends, though I'm not sure of the legality of that.

From what I know, I'd probably go with an electric rifle, and a CO2 or spring pistol.

But as someone who is pretty much a total newbie to this, is there anything I am missing or that you'd advise?
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Old October 15th, 2022, 14:23   #2
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Location: Scarbororororough
Due to the current volatile political atmosphere buying airsoft right now would be treated the same as real steel. The prices have gone up, stock is low, and people aren't buying/trading as much because if our equipment gets grandfathered the resale value for collectors will really go up.

I recently started shooting real steel and found out the hard way.

General suggestion is to save a pistol for last because you rarely use it outdoors. The range and accuracy of most entry level pistols are about the same but a rifle will get you more action.

Springer pistols are the toys you see at Canadian tire and some CO2 pistols are not allowed due to fps limits at certain fields.

Certain brands to avoid which are the money pits of the airsoft world are APS, ARIES, and anything sold in Canadian tire or Walmart/department stores are generally a waste of money outside of plinking.
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Old October 15th, 2022, 15:06   #3
Join Date: Oct 2022
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post

Springer pistols are the toys you see at Canadian tire and some CO2 pistols are not allowed due to fps limits at certain fields.

Certain brands to avoid which are the money pits of the airsoft world are APS, ARIES, and anything sold in Canadian tire or Walmart/department stores are generally a waste of money outside of plinking.
I did do a little bit of research on pistols, and it seems that a good pistol can costs $300 or above, for example one retailer has the AP01 for over $300, and the WE GB for $275.

But the Specna Arms Core C05 from another retailer is $227, so I am considering that as my first.

Last edited by Twiggy; October 15th, 2022 at 15:10..
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