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Canada Post services suspended nationwide


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Old June 26th, 2011, 14:17   #181
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Calgary, Alberta
I've had a few things from the US and Europe shipped either before the strike hit or some time after, and I'm worried where they might be (vinyl records, tapes, other stuff). I got no info from sellers about any returns... anyone know what's going on?
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Old June 26th, 2011, 14:39   #182
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What happens to bill payment dates? Does everyone get hit with late payment, or are we exempt?
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Old June 26th, 2011, 14:44   #183
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There are two reasons why this is not a public issue. The first is that Canada Post does not operate under government funding, per say. It pulls in a profit yearly, so it covers it's own cost and alittle extra every year. So this has already eliminated it being a tax payer issue.

Now, as far as the strike affecting people... It didn't. The workers decided to do a rolling strike, which would have delayed the mail in select areas and not fully stopped it. Canada Post, the corporation itself, decided to lock out the employee's, shutting down the mail service completely. This was to force the government to step in and legislate the, even though the employee's were more than willing to work while negotiations continued.

As far as being an essential service goes... It is only an essential service because people want it to be. Canada Post is to shipping as Subway is to sandwich shacks. More than half of the arguments in this thread you can replace them with a comparison of Subway and Mr. Sub. "Oh ones too expensive" "One sucks more than the other, ect." My sandwich eatery is not an essential service, and my prefferencial shipping method isn't either. There are other options, maybe not as comparable on price, but may offer more delicious services. This is what defined it being a normal service, and not essential. UPS, DHL, Fedex, Purolator(Owned by CP, funny enough, and is still running.) I said in an earlier post that many things that are essential service are not deemed an "essential service" if given enough time. With the Canada Post strike looming for a significant time, a business should have a contigency plan in place in the situation CP does get shut down. Complaining that your business is hurting because you did not have propper forecasting and business decisions to minimize collateral damage is not anyone elses fault. Period.

My business opted to use ATS during this time period. While this is slightly more expensive than using Canada Post, it's also not really hitting our bottom line. I didn't have any special secret, I just set up an account with them.

The entire time this thread, and other places on the internet, I've wanted to post in and write a long debate. I used to write editorials... But seeing how people respond in this thread, I'm not going to invest for the long haul. I'm just writing this while at work because I have nothing better to do right now. These workers have done nothing wrong to you, and a majority of problem this has is from poor planning on the users fault(ie you). A few people have mail stuck in the system, but you need to blame the corporation and the government for that. You all have hatred for the carriers themself, but you hail the government and the corporation as heroes when they were the ones who shut down your mail. They didn't do anything to you, and they are the ones who are going to get screwed long term because of this. It's absolutely disrespectful and mindless.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 15:12   #184
Ronald Chang
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I have rearranged all the mails to minimize the damage. But some very big paychecks from clients were stuck in the mail.

So don't say something that do not help!

The whole idea of "using the others interest as hostage for one's selfish interest" AND " I walk away from my work if you do not promise me what I ask for" is simply unacceptable and ridiculous.

In the REAL WORLD one needs to work hard, provide excellent services with the right attitude to get a decent job and pay. No body has the right to cause damage to others interest for their own benefits. Those who do not respect my interest will never get mine to them.

I will stop here and focus on recovery of my business.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 19:58   #185
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
There are two reasons why this is not a public issue. The first is that Canada Post does not operate under government funding, per say. It pulls in a profit yearly, so it covers it's own cost and alittle extra every year. So this has already eliminated it being a tax payer issue.

Now, as far as the strike affecting people... It didn't. The workers decided to do a rolling strike, which would have delayed the mail in select areas and not fully stopped it. Canada Post, the corporation itself, decided to lock out the employee's, shutting down the mail service completely. This was to force the government to step in and legislate the, even though the employee's were more than willing to work while negotiations continued.

As far as being an essential service goes... It is only an essential service because people want it to be. Canada Post is to shipping as Subway is to sandwich shacks. More than half of the arguments in this thread you can replace them with a comparison of Subway and Mr. Sub. "Oh ones too expensive" "One sucks more than the other, ect." My sandwich eatery is not an essential service, and my prefferencial shipping method isn't either. There are other options, maybe not as comparable on price, but may offer more delicious services. This is what defined it being a normal service, and not essential. UPS, DHL, Fedex, Purolator(Owned by CP, funny enough, and is still running.) I said in an earlier post that many things that are essential service are not deemed an "essential service" if given enough time. With the Canada Post strike looming for a significant time, a business should have a contigency plan in place in the situation CP does get shut down. Complaining that your business is hurting because you did not have propper forecasting and business decisions to minimize collateral damage is not anyone elses fault. Period.

My business opted to use ATS during this time period. While this is slightly more expensive than using Canada Post, it's also not really hitting our bottom line. I didn't have any special secret, I just set up an account with them.

The entire time this thread, and other places on the internet, I've wanted to post in and write a long debate. I used to write editorials... But seeing how people respond in this thread, I'm not going to invest for the long haul. I'm just writing this while at work because I have nothing better to do right now. These workers have done nothing wrong to you, and a majority of problem this has is from poor planning on the users fault(ie you). A few people have mail stuck in the system, but you need to blame the corporation and the government for that. You all have hatred for the carriers themself, but you hail the government and the corporation as heroes when they were the ones who shut down your mail. They didn't do anything to you, and they are the ones who are going to get screwed long term because of this. It's absolutely disrespectful and mindless.
All I can say... Is speak for yourself!
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:00   #186
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill View Post
All I can say... Is speak for yourself!
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:05   #187
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joking aside, what would be a good internet source for news related to this topic ?
will they be back to work this week?
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:08   #188
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Just phone there office at the 1 866 line .they will tell you all up to date information!
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:17   #189
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
joking aside, what would be a good internet source for news related to this topic ?
will they be back to work this week?
Tuesday... (from LCN) as in 24h after the law is adopted.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:29   #190
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
There are two reasons why this is not a public issue. The first is that Canada Post does not operate under government funding, per say. It pulls in a profit yearly, so it covers it's own cost and alittle extra every year. So this has already eliminated it being a tax payer issue.

Now, as far as the strike affecting people... It didn't. The workers decided to do a rolling strike, which would have delayed the mail in select areas and not fully stopped it. Canada Post, the corporation itself, decided to lock out the employee's, shutting down the mail service completely. This was to force the government to step in and legislate the, even though the employee's were more than willing to work while negotiations continued.

As far as being an essential service goes... It is only an essential service because people want it to be. Canada Post is to shipping as Subway is to sandwich shacks. More than half of the arguments in this thread you can replace them with a comparison of Subway and Mr. Sub. "Oh ones too expensive" "One sucks more than the other, ect." My sandwich eatery is not an essential service, and my prefferencial shipping method isn't either. There are other options, maybe not as comparable on price, but may offer more delicious services. This is what defined it being a normal service, and not essential. UPS, DHL, Fedex, Purolator(Owned by CP, funny enough, and is still running.) I said in an earlier post that many things that are essential service are not deemed an "essential service" if given enough time. With the Canada Post strike looming for a significant time, a business should have a contigency plan in place in the situation CP does get shut down. Complaining that your business is hurting because you did not have propper forecasting and business decisions to minimize collateral damage is not anyone elses fault. Period.

My business opted to use ATS during this time period. While this is slightly more expensive than using Canada Post, it's also not really hitting our bottom line. I didn't have any special secret, I just set up an account with them.

The entire time this thread, and other places on the internet, I've wanted to post in and write a long debate. I used to write editorials... But seeing how people respond in this thread, I'm not going to invest for the long haul. I'm just writing this while at work because I have nothing better to do right now. These workers have done nothing wrong to you, and a majority of problem this has is from poor planning on the users fault(ie you). A few people have mail stuck in the system, but you need to blame the corporation and the government for that. You all have hatred for the carriers themself, but you hail the government and the corporation as heroes when they were the ones who shut down your mail. They didn't do anything to you, and they are the ones who are going to get screwed long term because of this. It's absolutely disrespectful and mindless.
Yes, Canada Post did shut down it's operations, but that was only due to the money they were losing from staying open. They wouldn't have shut down in the first place if it wasn't for the strike.

I'm not opposed to workers wanting fair benefits, but from what I've read it seems that the postal workers are making better money, benefits and pensions with Canada Post than any other shipping company (FedEx, UPS, DHL etc.) Those working in the private sector work twice as hard and make half what these unionized workers make.

To conclude, these unions are just being greedy. One of the greediest unions has to be the OPPA (ontario provincial police association) which almost every year (and again this year) asks, and receives a 3% raise in pay. The government (mostly municipal where I am) cannot afford to give them these increases year after year and they always plea one way or another. Most of these officers are making $80,000 to $100,000 a year. Now I'm not against paying the police a fair wage due to the dangerous nature of the job, but they are being over payed for what they do compared to the U.S where you have a lot more crime and the average salary there is $45,000.

All I'm trying to say is; unions were necessary back when workers had no rights, but over the years they have proven to do more than they were originally meant to. There are only so many tax dollars that can be spent.

Last edited by xylum; June 26th, 2011 at 20:32..
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:37   #191
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3% raise isn't all that outrageous, when the cost of living goes up every year with it. But anyway. So if the workers decided to ignore the ruling and just keep striking anyway, would they all just be fired?
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:42   #192
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Union are paid from a percentage of the salary of their members (before taxes). The more their members are paid, the more they engrossed money and profit. At my bro job; they are paid 3% of his salary. In his case he pay over 30$ a week. That's more than 1500$ a year by workers...

In the case of CP; that make 1497$ a year(@24$ an hour base salary) compared to 1185$ (19$-hour) a year if the new worker base salary pass.

Originally Posted by Ross View Post
3% raise isn't all that outrageous, when the cost of living goes up every year with it. But anyway. So if the workers decided to ignore the ruling and just keep striking anyway, would they all just be fired?
Nope but big fine (as much as 1000$ a day) for the workers and as much as 100 000$ for the union.
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Last edited by SHaKaL; June 26th, 2011 at 20:49..
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:44   #193
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If they ignore the rule they will be fired and then other people will be brought in to do the work. and those people are called(scab workers!)
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:50   #194
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
3% raise isn't all that outrageous, when the cost of living goes up every year with it. But anyway. So if the workers decided to ignore the ruling and just keep striking anyway, would they all just be fired?
No. The fines are heavy - $1000/day for individuals, $10000/day for union leadership & $100000/day for the union itself. The union has already stated that they would go back to work, otherwise people and/or organizations would be looking at major financial hits.

The legislation completed reading and vote Sunday afternoon, and was passed up to the Senate for approval. After that, it becomes law once given Royal Assent. Likely early Monday morning. Mail will likely restart delivery on Tuesday.
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.
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Old June 26th, 2011, 20:51   #195
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Originally Posted by naptap55 View Post
If they ignore the rule they will be fired and then other people will be brought in to do the work. and those people are called(scab workers!)
Nope... see my post; they will return to work...
HellRanger 1969-2007 LRRP FOREVER

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