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Friendly fire, and the attack of the Blue Falcon



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Old May 3rd, 2011, 00:12   #16
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I'm sorry but I have to slightly disagree, if the idiot who friendly fired can see me to shoot me, then there is absolutely no reason to mistake me for someone else..... I far out weigh all the other players we play with locally lol.

It's like tripping over a log in the bush, then cussing out a twig.......
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 00:12   #17
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Originally Posted by ex View Post
I'm sorry...uniform guidelines are absolutely necessary. This past weekend a large event at the lz had a few blue on blue incidents due solely to people not following the uniform requirements.

If you are playing with 20 people it's easy to remember who is who..but if you have 80+ players on the field and moving through bush...good luck with that.

While I agree it does not necessarily have to be green vs tan....that combination or combination's there of seem to work best when everyone plays ball.
Agreed, In a perfect world we would all train together and operate together. But the reality is that we are collections of smaller groups and individuals that come together to form a cohesive unit. In a circumstances where there is a large number of players it is always a good idea to encourage and enforce a uniform code to allow players to recognize people. Also with the ever changing nature of large games with engagement lines blurred and disruptions in comms you cannot count on even the best of players being able to keep track of all details.
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Old May 4th, 2011, 00:00   #18
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99% of my TK's have been at XT where it's tight, dark, fast and loud (and everyone looks the same through mesh goggles).

Out in the open, I'm a bit more choosey about my shots... But now and then, I can't identify and call out contact on a friendly.
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Old May 4th, 2011, 14:21   #19
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Big thing is people need to stop playing like it free for all in Call Of Duty and play AS A TEAM. Camo for a big game should be something that you cant get around no matter how much they whine about it. And as for the russain load out guys that shot everything in sight they should just get kicked off the field for doing that. but just my opinion on the matter
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Old May 4th, 2011, 14:26   #20
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by sharpshooter17 View Post
Big thing is people need to stop playing like it free for all in Call Of Duty and play AS A TEAM. Camo for a big game should be something that you cant get around no matter how much they whine about it. And as for the russain load out guys that shot everything in sight they should just get kicked off the field for doing that. but just my opinion on the matter
the Russians, once their "attributes" were quantified were very effective. you just could not deploy them in coordinated actions.

it breaks no rules to kill your own team mates .. it is not a "turf from the game " offense
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 4th, 2011, 14:36   #21
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I have to disagree to some extent. While all of your points are very valid, I find the most TK fire happens when people respawn.

Say theres a squad of 5, and a few other team mates tagging along. One gets killed, and the rest continue forward stealthily. The player respawns, comes back, and sees someone in the bush ahead of where his group was last.

Are they 5 or so ahead supposed to call back to tell them they are friendly, giving away their positions?

It's the man who was shot, and re spawned responsibility to tell friend from foe, not the man who is about to be shot.
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Old May 4th, 2011, 15:13   #22
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
I have to disagree to some extent. While all of your points are very valid, I find the most TK fire happens when people respawn.

Say theres a squad of 5, and a few other team mates tagging along. One gets killed, and the rest continue forward stealthily. The player respawns, comes back, and sees someone in the bush ahead of where his group was last.

Are they 5 or so ahead supposed to call back to tell them they are friendly, giving away their positions?

It's the man who was shot, and re spawned responsibility to tell friend from foe, not the man who is about to be shot.
See the last point in my list.. no disagreement necessary
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 4th, 2011, 15:15   #23
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Apperantly I missed a point...

I agree 100% now. Good post haha
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Old May 4th, 2011, 15:51   #24
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I find it hard to blame the shootee, half the time I've been friendly fired, Ive been in cover, on MY teams "side" of the cover, facing the enemy team and weapon pointed towards the enemy, then get pelted in the back, I fail to see how that could possibly NOT be the shooters fault
and again when Me and a squad breach a building and call out "friendlies, bottom floor" for example, hten still get shot by teammates after relaying our forward position, thats again, not my fault...

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Last edited by Thenooblord; May 4th, 2011 at 16:06..
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Old May 4th, 2011, 16:13   #25
Brian McIlmoyle
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A lot of people are talking about "return from Spawn" situations.. where the 1 or 2 guys try to get back into the game and end up shooting their own guys.

the issue here is again.. Communication.

put in place a rejoining procedure in which returning players hold up at a designated place and then are picked up by the unit in the field,

Returning players should call ahead and link up with their unit before they look to engage anyone. Instead of running headlong towards whatever fight they can hear.

Of course.. in loose skirmish situations where no one has radios and there is no structure or control ..and lines are mixed up, where it is basically a free for all ... it's really not reasonable to expect to not be shot by your own team..

lets not even mention the fact that the only way you get shot in the back of the head is

1. you have no rear security
2. people like to shoot you in the back of the head
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old May 4th, 2011, 16:15   #26
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

lets not even mention the fact that the only way you get shot in the back of the head is

1. you have no rear security
2. people like to shoot you in the back of the head
Let's not forget people who like to run away.
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Old May 4th, 2011, 16:52   #27
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I've only really been on the receiving end of friendly fire twice that i remember, Once when a returning team with some POWs got to our defensive perimeter they opened up on us as soon as they saw us wasn't our fault... especially seeing as we were within 50 feet of our heavily defended main base....

And the other was at a smaller game, i was flanking ahead using a creek and a friendly came up to my rear about 20 feet off of the creek... my attempt to tell him that I, a friendly was to his 11 o'clock resulted in him JUST hearing the 11 o'clock and firing in that direction....

had one or 2 Friendly fire incidents too though that I blame entirely on myself for not properly identifying my target.
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