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REVIEW: ToySoldier TacticalWorkshop PRC-148 Radio Military 5 Pins Plug Version 462 MHz -- No Low Impedance Issues



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Old May 18th, 2013, 14:44   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: North Carolina
REVIEW: ToySoldier TacticalWorkshop PRC-148 Radio Military 5 Pins Plug Version 462 MHz -- No Low Impedance Issues

Looking for a reasonably priced, functional MBITR radio that you can use with your real Military Sordins and PTTs that DOES NOT have impedance issues? THIS IS IT!!!

I tested this radio using a real steel MSA Sordin Supreme Pro Dual headset, real steel MSA U 94PTT, and a Motorola Talkabout for the second radio. My voice went through the Sordins, TW MBITR and came out the Talkabout loud and clear. I received incoming calls via my Sordins loud and clear. The MBITR mic did not come on when I received calls--the income call only came through my Sordins. Looks like they have solved the impedance issue, which is awesome!

Given there are some now on Kevin's site for $179.50 I would suggest you jump on one. Given the United Star MBITR is around $200-$250 and most have impedance issues requiring additional equip to resolve impedance issues, this radio is awesome and doesn't break the bank. Toysoldier's website is:

Saw this on Toy Soldier's site a while back but they were out of stock.


Checked back on May 10th and there was one in stock. Ordered it and it arrived on May 15th (very fast). Was well packaged. Note, the box suggests that it comes with the a replica H-250/U handset but it does not. Not to worry though. On the website it was only advertised as the MBITR, broadband antenna and antenna re-locator cable. The MBITR has a real steel U283 connector.



Radio is powered by 5 standard AA batteries housed in the lower back of the radio (behind panel with screw).


The display is back lit and green.


Here's an excerpt from the manual with the functions.


Will post more info once I have a chance to test this with other real steel comm gear.
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Old May 26th, 2013, 02:51   #2
Join Date: Feb 2012
Any more comments on these? Ie. build quality compared to United Star, perhaps other techie/radio specs? Because reviews i read about this TS PRC148 is quite old (2009'ish)

I have a MSA Sordin on the way and I'm thinking this or the UnitedStar version, plus the fact that the UnitedStar is hard to come by

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Old June 16th, 2013, 00:35   #3
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: North Carolina
I have both the United Star AN/PRC-148 (Deluxe version) and the Tac Workshop I reviewed above.

Toy soldier (Tactical Workshop) AN/PRC-148 (mfg in early 2013-purchased new):
-Worked with my Sordins as discussed above using a real steal PTT voice clearly heard by receiver
-No impedance issues: Invisio 5-pin bone mic using real Davies PTT; Invisio via PRC-343 to PRC 148; Bowman headset to PRC-343 to PRC 148
-Voice transmitted loud & clear but receive is only via the radio speaker using: Nacre Quietpro Urban; Atlantic signal Lo-Vis headset via real U94 PTT (haven't tried shorting the A&E pins yet)
-Clear display
-No need to switch a jumper inside the radio to get it to work with the real steel equip above (had to do this with some older Toy Soldier/Tac Workshop radios)
-Runs off "AA" batteries (not dependent on rechargeable battery)
-Cheaper than the United Star and no need hunting down/paying for an amplified PTT to resolve the impedance issue (TCI Kenwood PTT is about $250 on top of the cost of the United Star)

Other: CTCSS options are 0, 01-38/10 call tones/3 VOX levels/real 5-pin U283 on radio/Scan function/monitoring function/lock keypad/transmit & receiving display indicator

-Shell is not as sturdy as the United Star PRC-148/it's sturdy enough but probably could not take a heavy hit like the United Star
-Programing only via keypad (appears to be limited to FRS and GMRS frequencies 462.5625 through 467.7125 & CTCSS codes)
-You'll need a screw driver to change the batteries

I like both. I found the United Star frustrating mostly due to the impedance issues and my stubborn desire to use real steel headsets & real mil PTTs without changing the headset mics. Programming the United Star PRC-148 is a bit buggy at times but the United Star has a great deal of programming/transmit/receive capabilities as discussed in the review started by Conker.

Last edited by Tracker33; June 16th, 2013 at 00:37..
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