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Removing dummy rds from p90 mags


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Old June 19th, 2007, 08:27   #1
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Removing dummy rds from p90 mags

Hi, does anyone know of a convenient transparent replacement for the dummy rounds in a p90 mag. I find the dummy rounds kinda tacky and would like to utilize the transparency of the mag by actually seeing how much ammo I have left. I took one apart to remove them, but they are actually used to cover the top of the channel that the BBs reside in so if I remove them it wont work. If not then I will try to come up with a solution and post it here.

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Old June 19th, 2007, 09:44   #2
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Old June 19th, 2007, 10:16   #3
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Crosman (I think thats the brand my local Canadian Tire carries) makes a transparent channel cover? Or am I just being ridiculed as you presume I am some 16 year old "noob" as this is my first post (now second). Now I do have one of those clearsoft shotguns, I bought it for Halloween as I thought carting around a replica (am I allowed to use that word, stay away CBSA) of an m16 was a little to likely to get me shot, even on said day. It is rather fun to fool around with in the house, especially come hockey season, when my friends Sundin bobble head is staring at me so smugly. I however also own 3 AEGs and one GBB. The GBB is a KJW P226 and while the AEGs are all JG (m16 g36c and beta spetz), I figured with my physics degree and some upgrade parts I ought to be able to keep them running for less than their TM counter parts. I also have a p90 on order from 007, hence the original post. Now perhaps next time you could be a bit nicer and offer some actual help or lacking that, not post at all.

Unless you were actually trying to help in which case I apologize and please ignore the previous paragraph and explain further.
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Old June 19th, 2007, 10:33   #4
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TM HiCaps come without the Dummy Rounds, other than that, I think you're out of luck.

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Old June 19th, 2007, 10:34   #5
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Sell/Trade your locap p90 mags for hicaps..

Some people might consider removing the dummy rounds from one of the few series that include them as a complete waste of time.
Also, you made a statement, he made a statement.. you followed with your life story and a physics degree..

Instead of making a stand and dragging on what you wanted to find out, accept his sarcasm.
Use your degree to fix your mags, if it was me. I would leave the mags alone.
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Old June 27th, 2007, 15:14   #6
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Ok, so here it is. (I had it done a few days ago but took me a while to wrestle up a camera). First thing I did was dismantle the magazine, pretty much as much as it can be. this is necessary as the screws that attach the dummy rds are on the bottom of the spring channel. Then I reattached the bottom of the mag. I then took 6in of clear ruler and drilled holes where the screws that hold the dummy rds in would go. I then took two pieces of thin plastic (about 1.5mm) and glued them to the underside of the ruler so that they were over the spring channel (yes they are necessary, otherwise the bbs start to try to double stack and the ruler wont stay in place.) Superglue was then put in the holes for the screws, this is required as the screws are meant to screw in to the dummy rds and hole in the channel piece is unthreaded. I then screwed the ruler in place. Then I placed another piece of plastic down the middle so that the ruler would be pushed against the channel guide be the top of the magazine (possibly unnecessary but I wanted the extra strength). I then reassembled the mag. Pics can be seen below. They are a little dark but it is possible to see the bbs in the mag when assembled.
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Old June 27th, 2007, 20:58   #7
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Dawnbringer, just ignore sarcastic comments and flames from people on forums. To make a long story shorter, ignoring them is just better.

And good work m8
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Old June 27th, 2007, 21:03   #8
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Dawnbringer, just ignore sarcastic comments and flames from people on forums. To make a long story shorter, ignoring them is just better.

And good work m8
No need to be disrespectful Ronan... try to see it from out points of view when you make 5-7, I lost count, threads asking the same questions those times, maybe just worded dif or asking slightly different, but still, if you were here longer like the rest of us, we get that over and over from others who dont take a look at previous threads with the same info, and the same questions answered. I know I read your post youd like first hand knowledge before buying an expensive item, I did that too, and I made alot of good friends because I showed respect when asking their personal knowledge, but 10 threads isnt needed, and there are several threads where users, usualy the SAME people, have already said the exact info your asking. See the point?
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