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TM M14 Socom - Tanio Koba Twist Barrel


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Old May 12th, 2008, 00:41   #1
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TM M14 Socom - Tanio Koba Twist Barrel

Hello people,

I've recently been doing some research into which barrel I'd like to outfit my future M14 socom with, and the Tanio Koba Twist Barrels have really caught my eye. The problem is that while I've found one for the M14, the length of that TK twist barrel is something along the lines of 509mm, while the Socom stock barrel is only something like 440mm.

Are the Tanio Koba AEG barrels interchangeable? I'd imagine not, but I'm just not sure what my options are at this point, and getting the standard m14 length TK twist barrel for a socom seems to defeat the purpose of having the socom in the first place >_<.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by Fox; May 12th, 2008 at 00:56..
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Old May 12th, 2008, 01:39   #2
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I just noticed a thread that lightly discussed this matter earlier.

Unfortunately, I'm still puzzled about the length of the TM M14 Socom matter and how I might find a suitable TK twist barrel for it.

I believe Illusion mentioned that it can fit, but that it'd just need custom cutting. Anyone have any idea wher eI could acquire a custom cut (to fit M14 socom) size barrel?

Even if you don't know, I'd appreciate any helpful input you may have.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 01:41   #3
The Saint
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You need to get a TM14 specific barrel, since TM14 has a different hopup clip cut compared to all other TM AEGs. Standard M14 and M14 SOCOM has the same cut, but that cut is different from M16, G36, AK, etc.

If you order through ILLusion, you might be able to get him to cut it for you.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 13:24   #4
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Buy the 509mm, throw on a short silencer to cover the excess inner barrel.

If the SOCOM cylinder is ported (never seen one myself so I don't know) then replace it with an unported ver7 cylinder.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 13:25   #5
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No, the barrels are not interchangeable between gun series, but the same m14 barrel can be used between both the socom and the standard. That specific TK barrel for the M14 has two cuts in it to fit the different barrel clips between that of a standard AEG and the M14.

If you get the TK barrel for the SOCOM, the barrel will stick out of the flash hider by around 1cm, so it's not a huge sacrifice. If it's that big of a deal, a DC suppressor would hide it nicely...

I could cut the barrel flush for you, but you'd need to have access to a lathe to turn a crater cut in to it - I don't have those tools, unfortunately.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 13:36   #6
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Could you use a dremel and one of the conical tips to smooth out the cut?
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Old May 12th, 2008, 13:56   #7
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I suppose, but if the cratering isn't perfectly concentric, there could potentially be some strange wind effects / aerodynamics that would affect the flight of the projectile. If you don't have access to a lathe to turn a proper crater cut, you're better off just leaving the cut flat.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 16:37   #8
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Put a standard M14 sight on the front of your socom and use the full length M14 barrel and your barrel will be covered by the M14's long flash hider. You'll just be able to see the inner barrel through the sides of the flashider, but who cares...the extra length is well worth it.

That's how I did it, works great.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 23:33   #9
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Thanks everyone for the tips.

Now I just need to acquire one of these pretty barrels.

...but you know, I am seriously puzzled at this point.

Range and accuracy of course matter to every player. I'd imagine that typically, higher FPS would equate to further range. However, to me, there is no point in firing further if I cannot hit what I need to hit with more than a few rounds.

I'm the kind of player who uses only single shot, and can typically last longer than a 45 minute round with 3 starter mags and manage a kill or two if lucky.
If I can hit a target accurately at 10 yards or even 15, with 3 rounds at most, I would be extremely pleased. ROF and FPS don't matter to me as long as I can hit the target - it doesn't matter how long it takes for my bb to hit the target, because most bb's travel faster than humans anyway, and in airsoft... it feels like anyone who can move faster than your bb is already out of range anyway.

I've read so many threads (god... they're endless!)

In your experience/ with the players you've met who are like me... what barrel/setup worked well?

I realise this is an extremely subjective question, but I would appreciate any helpful comments you all may have to offer.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 14:15   #10
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Hmm, just found another helpful thread to my questions:

Looking back now after a good night's sleep, the sudden realisation that I've just asked a question to which probably more than 75% of all posts on ASC are about trying to answer - hit me.

Nevertheless... if any of you have any comments on your own experience with your tightbores/twist barrels -eg. "my ___ tightbore/twistbarrel for my ___ gun seems to work reasonably well for me at this distance," or "I can usually hit my target on my 2nd shot from 10 paces" etc..etc. I would really appreciate it.

Thank you!

Last edited by Fox; May 13th, 2008 at 14:41..
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Old May 13th, 2008, 15:04   #11
used to be Spencer aka Sue
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Installing my M14 socom tightbore this week, will advise after I game it this weekend
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Old May 13th, 2008, 15:29   #12
formerly pivot
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With an m14 you should be able to hit a target at 50 yards with 1 to 3 shots pretty much every time if it's set up properly and you are using good ammo. I love my M14 for the simple fact that I like to hit what I shoot, no sense in owning a gun that won't do what it's supposed to do.
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Old May 13th, 2008, 21:23   #13
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Thank you very much Spencer - and Pivot, that's exactly the kind of answer I'm looking for ^_^. If anyone else owns a M14/Socom, and plays the way I do, would you mind sharing info on your internal upgrades, ammunition choice and approximate total cost of internal upgrades?

Thanks everyone for reading and commenting so far! I'm beginning to have a better idea of what I'm aiming for
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Old May 13th, 2008, 21:34   #14
used to be Spencer aka Sue
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I can say for now, that running the gun stock with .25's.. you can shoot the wings off a fly. I'll be putting in a Prometheus 6.03, guarder clear hopup, prometheus 110 spring, air seal nozzel, bearing spring guide and metal bushings. Once I have my 4x scope with an over/under mount, it should be a real nail driver.
Tpr. Spencer, DF
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