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Airsoft gear-legal (to import) or not?



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Old November 10th, 2008, 21:39   #1
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Airsoft gear-legal (to import) or not?

I know that airsoft guns are illegal to import (without the appropriate licenses, obviously), but I'm curious to the legality of parts such as magazines and the like. I've had varying reports from my searching-some sites claim it's all illegal, some claim that parts are fine but guns aren't and so forth. I couldn't find it explicitly listed in the FAQ, so I'd like to get a concrete answer-can I import airsoft accessories, such as magazines?

I ask specifically because I want to get ahold of one of these to convert to use with a mag-fed paintball gun. (For those that don't keep up with the sport, which is probably most of you, mag-fed guns are are getting a LOT more popular as paint prices rise-people would rather spend more on a gun that encourages you to use less paint, and they're just plain fun to use). I could always have one shipped to Detroit, drive over and get it, but I really don't want to be doing something illegal there.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 21:44   #2
The Saint
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That thing is not illegal to import. Dunno whether it'd be worth your time converting it, though. Might be easier just to do a scratch build.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 21:47   #3
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A few people have done the same mod, they use the internals from a sound-activated force-fed hopper and can get about 20 BPS and 90 rounds into a mag. Not alot, since the donor hopper generally carries 200 rounds, but it beats the 20 rounds my current guns hold, and I can build one for about the cost of one and a half mags.

I tried to scratch-build a box, but couldn't come up with one I was happy with. They mostly looked like fail, since I don't have the tools to properly cut lexan or other materials that would work well.

But thanks for clearing that up for me.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 21:54   #4
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Probably should just play airsoft, imo.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 21:59   #5
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Almost all accesories can be imported. Mags, barrels, rails, stocks, etc.

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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:02   #6
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I've actually played a few games, and, honestly, it just wasn't my thing. It might have just been the people I played with, but the huge focus on milsim and getting 'period-accurate' setups was a huge turnoff for me-I mean, I make it out to paintball's biggest annual 'milsim' event, Oklahoma D-Day, every year I can, and I've never been ragged on for not wearing a period-accurate uniform. Hell, almost nobody does. When I played airsoft, I was told that, if I wanted to keep playing there, I'd have to get at least a basic period-correct setup. I don't know if this is the norm, but still.

Plus, it felt a lot like 'paintball lite' to me. The fact that I could barely even feel the hits was actually kind of annoying-call it weird, but I preferred the pain. Or, rather, potential of pain and increased drive to avoid it.

Plus, your gear is EXPENSIVE, and riding a very fine legal line. I mean, I've never had to go to a paintball forum and say 'Hey, can I import a hopper?'
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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:09   #7
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by M_P View Post
I've actually played a few games, and, honestly, it just wasn't my thing. It might have just been the people I played with, but the huge focus on milsim and getting 'period-accurate' setups was a huge turnoff for me-I mean, I make it out to paintball's biggest annual 'milsim' event, Oklahoma D-Day, every year I can, and I've never been ragged on for not wearing a period-accurate uniform. Hell, almost nobody does. When I played airsoft, I was told that, if I wanted to keep playing there, I'd have to get at least a basic period-correct setup. I don't know if this is the norm, but still.
where are you from? there are groups of people here that play period specific but they don't force you to do the same unless you want to. I have not heard anyone complain about my rig or bdu's. I can understand if you are part of a team or something but that still wouldn't put me in to a specific setup like going all cadpat with the proper gear to accompany it.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:14   #8
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Sound like you tried airsoft with a very select bunch.

We generally ask only a miliary BDU and "tactical" boots. Not even military boot, but something other than white running shoes.

For the rest, it all depend on the players.

Not having to put up with kids is also a big win factor for airsoft. We already have to put up with the random idiot, not having kids around really aleviate the pain in the ass.

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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:18   #9
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That's entirely possible, although, gear aside, I still liked paintball better. I was playing with a group I found around London, Ontario a few years ago, I live in Windsor now. I know Flagswipe and Flag Raiders hold airsoft games sometimes, I might give it another shot some day.

Although I don't put up with kids either-most of the people I play with are either 18 or older, or mature enough to fit in. I've gotten pretty sick of the 'agg', 30 BPS space-dildo-shooting crowd, I play with the old-school people now.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:40   #10
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Originally Posted by M_P View Post

Although I don't put up with kids either-most of the people I play with are either 18 or older, or mature enough to fit in. I've gotten pretty sick of the 'agg', 30 BPS space-dildo-shooting crowd, I play with the old-school people now.
old school can only imply single shot pump action!

I still have my Brass Eagle Talon for way back.

check out one of the bigger games running out of the new, new flag raiders field. of the three I've been to this year, it's been stellar!
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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:50   #11
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Hell yeah! Right now, I'm mainly rocking a 20-ish-year-old PMI-1. Fixed brass barrrel, 10-round rock-and-cock stickfeed...only way to get any older-school would be to find an old Nelspot pistol.

Out of curiosity, do the fields that do run airsoft events offer rentals?
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Old November 10th, 2008, 22:59   #12
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by M_P View Post
Out of curiosity, do the fields that do run airsoft events offer rentals?
no, but there are many members that will be happy to rent you a loaner for the day. you will just need to request it with someone attending ahead of time.

check the event sections.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 23:10   #13
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From what I hear some teams also have "team armouries" that they can draw from to rent out to players.

I think the last game I went to the guys had a FAMAS kicking around to rent/use in case one of their guns died.

For me after one game I was hooked to Airsoft, I've played paintball 3 times but TBH it kinda wasn't really my thing sure it was fun but I just prefer airsoft much more, I don't have a problem playing with older mature folk but once the neon jersry, look I can shoot 100000 BPS, kids show up it kinda turns me off from paintball.

But you should definitely try it again sometime. It actually isn't that expensive to get a basic set of BDU's and some boots (maybe $60 for a surplus set of OD's and another $80 for some good quality boots).
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Old November 11th, 2008, 11:45   #14
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I've already got a set of CADPAT BDUs kicking around that I used to use for paintball (Not sure where the jacket went, I think it's at my parent's house).

But I have been thinking of trying it again. If the whole anality (Is that a word) about having 'accurate' gear isn't the norm, I might try it again.

On a side note, I was browsing stores, and came across this: Crosman Stinger S34P Shotgun. I know Crosman has a horrible rap for airsoft products, but I looked up some reveiws, and it doesn't sound that bad. However, what I'm really curious about are the shells-how do they work? Do you charge the shells with CO2 or something, like those Mad Bull grenades? And are they reusable? I LOVE shotguns, I'm actually in the process of designing a paintball shotgun (Which will essentially be a conversion kit for a Phantom pump, not an actual, multi-shot gun), so being able to play with one that works something like a real one is actually pretty bad-ass.
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Old November 11th, 2008, 12:04   #15
The Lettonian
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no, just pump it and go. Shells are reusable. And if you want airsoft to hurt go to mercy rules and CQB = a hell of a fun time. I'd really recommend it.
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