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16-17 SEP 2006 - WWII OP: The Gothic Line (Washington State)


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Old September 3rd, 2006, 16:03   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Tacoma, WA
16-17 SEP 2006 - WWII OP: The Gothic Line (Washington State)

I know most you can't make it down but I thought I would let you all know what's shaking! It'll be a swell time!

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WHEN: 0700 17 SEP - 1300 18 SEP
Italian Campaign - Sept 1944

The Gothic Line, also known as Linea Gotica, formed Field Marshal Albert Kesselring's last line of defence along the summits of the Apennines during the fighting retreat of Nazi Germany's forces from Italy in the final stages of World War II. The Gothic Line developed as a result of one of the Allies' missteps, and a tactic mastery of the Axis powers.

After the nearly concurrent breakthroughs at Cassino and Anzio in spring 1944, the 11 nations representing the Allies in Italy finally had a chance to trap the Germans in a pincer movement and to realize some of Churchill's strategic goals for the long, costly campaign against the Axis "underbelly". This would have required U.S. 5th Army General Mark Clark to commit most of his Anzio forces to the drive east from Cisterna, and to execute the envelopment evisioned in the original planning for the Anzio landing (i.e., flank the German 10th Army, and sever its northbound line of retreat from Cassino). Instead, fearing that the British Eighth Army might beat him to Rome, Clark diverted a large part of his Anzio force in that direction in an attempt to ensure that he and the 5th Army would have the honor of liberating the Eternal City.

As a result, most of Kesselring's forces slipped the noose and fell back to the Arno River, where they built a 16 km-deep belt of fortifications extending from south of La Spezia (on the west coast) to the Foglia Valley, through the natural defensive wall of the Apennines mountains, to the Adriatic Sea between Pesaro and Ravenna, on the east coast. The emplacements included numerous concrete-reinforced gun pits and trenches, and 2,376 machine-gun nests with interlocking fire.

The Battle of Gemmano (September 1944), nicknamed by some historians as the "Cassino of the Adriatic", took place along the Gothic line; a second major battle occurred between August 25, 1944-September 30 at Rimini.

Hitler had concerns about the state of preparation of the Gothic Line. He feared the Allies would use amphibious landings to out-flank its defenses. To downgrade the importance of the Gothic Line in the eyes of both friend and foe, Hitler ordered the name, with its historic connotations, changed. He reasoned that if the Allies managed to break through they would seize upon the more pretentious name as ground for magnifying their victory claims. Kesselring renamed it the "Green Line".

The Allies finally broke through the Gothic line in the spring of 1945, thanks to fresh reinforcements from India, France, the United States and Poland; British landings in Greece, and Yugoslav partisan activity.


Rather then a full "force on force" event we will be running this event as a "Living History". This means that there will be more focus on training, rehearsal and completing specific missions designed to challenge participants to use the training they have received. BE ADVISED FROM 0700 SATURDAY UNTIL 1300 SUNDAY THIS WILL BE A "LIVE AO". The possibility of night probes on Allied positions is HIGH. Participants will be required to sleep with eye protection within hands reach. THIS IS A 30 HOUR CONTINUOS EVENT! Anything can happen at ANY TIME!

AXIS roles will be played by dedicated OPFOR and *NO* OPFOR will be located in the ALLIED base through out the weekend. The only time you will see the enemy will be when you are in the field on specific missions or if the Axis are attacking the ALLIED base. The overall concept of the operation will be to re-create a small squad during the Battle of Giogo. Historically, Gen. Keyes developed a diversionary attack with the 34th Infantry Division "The Red Bull" against the Futa Pass. We will be simulating a Platoon in the 34th Infantry Division. For our purposes, the Vaughn AO will be transformed in the Futa Pass and missions will be designed to harass and throw off German forces who might otherwise be able to deal with the 91st and 85th Infantry divisions who are operating on our flanks.

Training will be facilitated by OC Josh Warren (RangerWarren). Josh has extensive military training and experience in small squad tactics and has recently been accepted as an Officer Cadet turning in his SGT stripes! The training you receive will not only be put to use at this operation but will be something you can take with you to new airsoft events. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to train with a Ranger qualified instructor who has years of real combat experience in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

There will be artillery simulation with pyro and full period vehicle support. Causalities will be handled "real world" with med-evacs and medical "treatment" on the field. Missions will be realistic and will push your field craft and training to a whole new level.

THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY THROUGH SUNDAY. Start time on Saturday will be 0700. For those coming from out of town who want to camp Friday, we will have limited space available. We ask that people make the effort to come out Saturday morning if possible. There are no scheduled activities for Friday but campers will be required to be in gear by 1900.

Get ready for a whole new level of game play!



NON-PERIOD weapons will be allowed but they will be limited to semi-auto unless designated as a BAR or LMG.

Here is the CONOP:

Gothic Line Concept of the Operation

This event will as accurately as possibly, simulate a platoon size operation to breach a portion of the Gothic Line during the Battle of Giogo in September, 1944.

General rules:

The purpose of these rules is to as accurately as possible simulate World War 2 combat and the weapons involved. What this will not be is a full auto, high capacity free for all. The average service rifle of WW2 had between 5 and 10 rounds in it’s magazine and was manual bolt action or semi-automatic only. The average AEG fire 900 rounds a minute and has a capacity of 300 rounds. Expect some changes to your normal method of play.


1. Period Correct Weapons

a. Will be used exactly as they are designed to be used for example if you have a k-98 great, a gas powered Garand even better, mp-40 AEG cool no high caps.

2. Spring Rifles

a. May be used exactly as designed we encourage you to tie camouflage strips to disguise you non-period rifle.

3. AEG’s

a. Semi auto only
b. All magazines, high or low cap loaded with 20 rounds maximum
c. Player may carry as many spare mags or speed loaders as they like


1. Squad Leader x1

a. Squad leader may carry a submachinegun (AEG on auto with low caps)
b. Is responsible for leading the squad during missions and when in the rear. Will be responsible for planning missions and leading the squad in combat.
c. Recondo School graduates are afforded preference for this slot

2. Assistant Squad Leader x2 *

a. Assists squad leader in planning and combat leadership
b. One is able team leader one is baker team leader Charlie team sticks with SL

3. BAR Gunner x1 *

a. Must have large full length AEG Preferably with bipod
b. Full auto with low to midcaps.
c. Must carry 15 pounds of simulated ammo

4. Rifleman x4 *

a. AEG or bolt action/spring rifle using weaponry rules

5. Medic x1 *

a. Will carry a stretcher/litter as well as medical bag
b. Allowed a pistol for self defense

6. Machine Gunner x1*

a. Will carry a support weapon

i. Full auto
ii. Must be fired from bipod or tripod

b. May use drum or box mag but cannot move with box mag in the weapon

7. Assistant Machine Gunner x1 *

a. Leads machine gun team
b. May designated one rifleman as ammo bearer to carry the drum mag or may do it himself

* denotes roles that may be assigned and re-assigned by the squad leader as he see fit.


Casualty play in this game will be as accurate as possible. Forget the words regen, respawn and lives. These terms are for videogames. If you want to play video games stay home. If you want to learn about tactics, teamwork and leadership with a side helping of history this is the place for you.

At the beginning of the event each player will take 6 wound cards shuffle them in their headgear and without looking at them draw 1 and place it in their right chest pocket.

When hit on any part of the body or equipment (not on the gun) a player falls to the ground screaming (as if shot) and draws their card. The theatrical reaction is important as it lets other players know you have been hit and the enemy so as they don’t over shoot you.

Follow the instructions on the card

1. Hit in the Arm (left or right): the player must be bandaged on the injured arm (their choice) within 2 minutes. once bandaged they may continue to fight without use of that arm. To regain use of the arm the must return to the CCP (casualty Collection Point)

2. Hit in leg: same rules as army but with a leg... this player will most likely need a buddy to hobble on or be carried by.

3. Incapacitating Wound this player is wounded and unable to fight he must be carried or have two people touching his shoulders (to simulate carrying) to move him. he may not fight or talk except to scream in pain. If moved to the CCP he may return to the game.

4. Dead this player is dead 100% gone and done with. He will wait at the CCP until an OC returns him to the game or a pre-determined time limit.

If a player wounded in the arm or leg Is shot again he is incapacitated

if an incapacitated player is shot again he is dead. Dead players need not be evacuated and will place a red rag over their body and lay still where they died until given instructions by an OC.

Tentative TIMELINE

0700 First Call/Roll Call
0730 Chrono safety inspection
0800 Intro To the Infantry Squad Class
0900 Mission one planning
1030 Mission one start
-Mission one will be a combat patrol to locate enemy positions and destroy German LP/OP’s (listening and observation posts)
1200 Mission one end
1215 Mission 1 AAR (after action review)
1230 Chow
1300 Squad Assault tactics class
1400 Mission two Planning
- Mission two will be a direct assault on a German MG bunker to form a breach in your sector of the Gothic Line.
1530 Mission two start
1800 Mission two end
1815 AAR
1845 Chow
1900 Begin night watch
2000 Night Raid Planning
-the purpose of the night raid is to capture enemy personnel to gain intelligence
recon an attack route for the mornings assault
2130 Night Raid
2300 End Night Raid
2315 AAR

0500 First Call/Wake Up
0530 Planning morning assault
-the morning assault is designed to destroy Axis AT emplacements to clear the way for allied armor support.
0630 Morning assault
0800 End morning assault
0815 AAR
0830 Chow
0900 Planning final assault
1030 Final Assault
1200 End final assault
1215 AAR
1300 Awards/ Closing Ceremony

Here is a photo of the LMGs that will be used:

and a photo of about 3/4 of the period weapons that we will be bringing:

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Old September 3rd, 2006, 23:54   #2
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Dang, I remember Schmitty showing all those off. Wish I could make it down.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old September 4th, 2006, 01:31   #3
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seeing the stg 44 just made me splooge in my pants

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Old September 4th, 2006, 01:32   #4
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Originally Posted by Koopa
seeing the stg 44 just made me splooge in my pants
Yup, it's a beaut.

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Old September 17th, 2006, 22:34   #5
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Old September 18th, 2006, 10:54   #6
The Rain Man
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Great Props and weapons. The field looks pretty good too. Too bad you guys are on the west coast. Who knows... maybe next year we'll need to do a road trip. We'll just need to rent the weapons.
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Old September 18th, 2006, 15:41   #7
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Which of those pictured period weapons are functional airsoft guns? I'm assuming the STG-44 is a Shoei and the BAR a JAC, but what of the numerous MGs?
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Old September 18th, 2006, 17:48   #8
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Mainly custom builds. They have a few insane builders down there. Schmitty is one of the best I've seen.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old September 18th, 2006, 19:37   #9
Thunder Kimerson
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I so wish i could participate, and i would love to be a medic
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Old September 19th, 2006, 08:52   #10
The Rain Man
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Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson

I so wish i could participate, and i would love to be a medic
Well hold on to that thought and maybe next year you can join up with Easy Company here in Ontario.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:05   #11
Dark Helmet
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how many players were at this game?
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:11   #12
Thunder Kimerson
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Originally Posted by leecas
Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson

I so wish i could participate, and i would love to be a medic
Well hold on to that thought and maybe next year you can join up with Easy Company here in Ontario.

please elaborate
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Old September 20th, 2006, 01:08   #13
The Rain Man
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Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson
Originally Posted by leecas
Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson

I so wish i could participate, and i would love to be a medic
Well hold on to that thought and maybe next year you can join up with Easy Company here in Ontario.

please elaborate
Well if you really are interested in WWII Reenacting then check out some of the other posts in this section and some of the recent Ontario Events. We have started the Ontario Airsoft WWII Re-enactors... website will be up and running very soon. Anyway, you're only 16 so that's a little young because most guys will not let you play in some of the events unless you are 18 or at least 17. So, if you are interested start putting a kit together and when you are ready join up. The 101st would be happy to add a medic to the squad.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 18:43   #14
Thunder Kimerson
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Originally Posted by leecas
Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson
Originally Posted by leecas
Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson

I so wish i could participate, and i would love to be a medic
Well hold on to that thought and maybe next year you can join up with Easy Company here in Ontario.

please elaborate
Well if you really are interested in WWII Reenacting then check out some of the other posts in this section and some of the recent Ontario Events. We have started the Ontario Airsoft WWII Re-enactors... website will be up and running very soon. Anyway, you're only 16 so that's a little young because most guys will not let you play in some of the events unless you are 18 or at least 17. So, if you are interested start putting a kit together and when you are ready join up. The 101st would be happy to add a medic to the squad.

Oh i see, yeha i gues you are right i am way to young to re-enact WWII but remember most of the soldiers back then used to be 17+, but thats cool i am not heavily interested in re-enacting WWII, but i just really like the concept and the fact that there is actuall camping going on and Night raids and such.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 19:22   #15
ASC Philosopher
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Originally Posted by Thunder Kimerson
re-enact WWII but remember most of the soldiers back then used to be 17+
I think, the average age of the combat soldier in WW2 was 26, in Vietnam it was 19.....n..n..n..n..n..n nineteen /end song

Anyone else remember that song?
Enjoy the true freedom that comes from being completely free of the shackles of reality.
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