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Tanaka-y 98k Goodness.


WW1, WW2

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Old April 18th, 2006, 10:45   #1
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Tanaka-y 98k Goodness.

Well after a couple of weeks of arrived :cheers:

My Tanaka Kar98 came into this world in a plainly marked box "WWII Mauser Karabiner 98k" an' to my amazement, it included the Third Reich's Military Eagle.

Opening it up, I was greated with the smell of the stain they used on the stock. Mmm, now that is victory right there folks. That smell means one thing, that it is indeed real wood an' can easily be stained to the darker colours of a stock that has seen many years of combat. (I prefer to just allowe it to age naturally usin' the very same agent the German soldats used...gun oil) Now in my mind the light colour of the wood does not detract from the beauty of the gun, but it would be nice if it was darker.

When I picked it up, I was amazed. It was not that much heavier then the real steel of which I own, an' was as perfectly balanced as the original.

Oh boy was I in for a treat when I cycled that bolt...beautiful. The bolt moves perfect an' requires no more resistance then the original. I inspected it closer an' was amazed at how well built an' how simple the mechanism in the bolt was. It is not as complicated as the Marushin bolt so it should fair much better in the long run.

Now in steps the propane an' the BBs. I only had a small bag of .25 BBs but they would have to suffice. I loaded the mad with the tool they included (Not a bad idea, but it would be hard to refill on the field, so my idea is to take a dremel an' cut it down to be added to a TM Speed Loaded as a type of attachment) The mag is filled now an' no leaks detected. (Too bad they couldn't figure out a way to make a stripper clip type mag for this, then I could use my ammo pouches)

Now outside I go *dances* Wow, that BB shot out of there like a bat out of hell. The Hop-up works great an' the BBs just fly. I know it is shootin' hot, but as I don't plan on fieldin' it for a few weeks, the heavier BBs an' the chrony can wait (I did use a pop-can chrony, but I don't trust them). Now there is a attachment that you can add to the bolt to affect the gas behaviour better (Comes in the box) an' it seems to boost I'm stoked. I'll be able to tell what it really does as soon as I get this gun behind a chrony.

I added a real steel sling, an' I am set. I'll be gettin' more performance information an' all that very soon. If you have any questions, ask away.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old April 18th, 2006, 11:07   #2
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I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.

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Old April 18th, 2006, 22:00   #3
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You know, I kinda wanted to get one just for a collector gun. I like the tanaka bolt actions.
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Old April 19th, 2006, 19:37   #4
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Any pictures of it?
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Old April 19th, 2006, 20:17   #5
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Not at the moment. The camera is on the fritz, an' Arnies Airsoft is down for the count. (They have a awesome review an' many pictures)
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old April 19th, 2006, 21:13   #6
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Yeah I've seen those they are pretty good. I'm waiting for my Tanaka Kar98k to get here and was hoping you would have some pictures to tide me over till it arrives.
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Old April 19th, 2006, 22:16   #7
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Where did you buy it from and how much was it?
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D.O.W. Mason
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Old April 20th, 2006, 00:42   #8
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Airsoft Kelowna. It was 910 I beleive. I just told Terry to throw it on my ol' Visa. I ordered the G-version, so it was a little more then the older model that Tanaka use to carry...

Oh I know Stealth..doesn't waiting' BLOW! I only had to wait approx a week an' a bit, so I was thankful.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old April 29th, 2006, 19:49   #9
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Have you had a chance to take the kar out yet for a battle?
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Old May 11th, 2006, 18:57   #10
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I was planning to buy one but did you buy it from their store front or you order it and do they ship them to ontario region? also how long did it take you to get it?
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Old May 20th, 2006, 21:04   #11
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This is a newb-like question but how many mL does it use if you fill it up all the way and how many shots can you get out?
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Old May 30th, 2006, 13:43   #12
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Ok, sorry for the late reply. I don't currently have net in my place in Calgary. To correct it, the price is after taxes. The gun itself is 700 + something before taxes. I buy from they storefront simply because I played with the owner an' Airsoft Kelowna for 2 years out there. Yes, they do ship out east, an' pretty fast (Or so I have heard).

mL? I don't understand. If your askin' how much propane it uses, I don't know. If your askin' how much one fill of a mag lasts for. On a hot day...about 40 shots (4 reloads of the mag) On a cold day...about 20ish I beleive. I carry my propane with me in my gasmask canister (The name is coincidental Haha)
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old July 17th, 2006, 19:51   #13
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So this is that special mountain troop version? Is it much shorter than the regular Tanaka? I was interested in getting a Kar98, because I love WW2, but they are so expensive...
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Old July 26th, 2006, 09:15   #14
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SPecial Mountain Version? No. The Kar98 is the shortened version of the original Mauser 1898 and was standard issue to all riflemen serving in the Heer.
The mountain version is even shorter. Now you must remember that the original Mauser 1898 was massively long. The Kar98 is what I would refer to as normal.
I know the rare and obscure "Teufelhorne" Regiment handsignal.

Age Verifier - Kelowna, BC and Area
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Old July 26th, 2006, 19:27   #15
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I realize that, that the "k" at the end of Kar98k means a shorter version of the original. But I was wondering if there were any major differences between Tanaka's standard Kar98k version and the mountain troop version. Is size the only difference? Thanks.
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