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Airsoft/paintball tank



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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:03   #1
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Airsoft/paintball tank

Do you guys have a idea on a moveing airsoft tank?
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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:05   #2
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What do you mean moving airsoft tanks? As in RC tanks? Or real tanks that can hold human beings and shoot out BBs?
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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:27   #3
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Real humans. Im thinking of haveing some thing dealing with a gocart engine That makes it move.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:37   #4
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haha i made a thread on this not to long ago search for it cant be to long ago i'm sure.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:45   #5
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Im for real. Not a garbage can. Im talking motorized vehicle.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 07:44   #6
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Originally Posted by Russianboy
Im for real. Not a garbage can. Im talking motorized vehicle.
It could easily be done, either a go cart or quad bike could be retro fitted with metal or even plastic panels to resemble a tank. Alternativley an old tank could have a large M60 placed in its barrel, or some kind of foam projectile firing device.

But the problem is this, how would it work in the game? As in airsoft we have no anti-tank weapons, no artillery, no helicopter or aerial support at all it would be impossible as it currently stands - how would the tank be destroyed? Not to mention the safety aspects of practising airsoft around a tank - real soldiers get accidentally crushed by them, an airsofter easily could to.

But thats not to say one day it wont be done, i guess the tuth of the mater is you would need at least 2 of them to make it work - so that both sides could have one and the infantry would need some kind of foam projectile firing anti-tank device (one of these has been made by an airsofter but is illegal pretty much everywhere in Europe and Asia.) Another concept would be a sort of 'giant' paint ball gun. That could be used to identify if the tank had been hit.

The main problem is tanks cant really integrate into airsoft necause a BB rifle had a maximum effective range at between 35 and 50 meters for most people, at those distances an infantry player could easily sneak up and 'bomb' the tank without the tank seeing them. Unlike in real life where tank support can often mean success or failure i suspect the airosft tank would be a giant slow moving, easily destroyed burden on the team it was attached with.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 08:30   #7
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You can have simulated anti-tank weapons.

Much like airsoft is about people being honorable and calling their hits, you could use the same system for a tank.

Make a prop bazooka or something and put a laser pointer inside.
Use a NERF gun.
Allow people to carry "C4" (if they touch the tank, it's destroyed)

Make it so that in order to destroy the tank you have to hit key points, not just anywhere. It'll make it a little more challenging to destroy that way.

There are many ways to make this work, you just need to be a little creative.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 09:48   #8
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz
You can have simulated anti-tank weapons.

Much like airsoft is about people being honorable and calling their hits, you could use the same system for a tank.

Make a prop bazooka or something and put a laser pointer inside.
Use a NERF gun.
Allow people to carry "C4" (if they touch the tank, it's destroyed)

Make it so that in order to destroy the tank you have to hit key points, not just anywhere. It'll make it a little more challenging to destroy that way.

There are many ways to make this work, you just need to be a little creative.
Theres alot of safety aspects too though arent there, imagine how easily you could slip under the tracks and be crushed whilst trying to attach and 'sticky C4' bomb to it without the driver realising. I doubt any site would let you use it to be honest. Not unless it was totally stationary - in which case it would be more like a big steel gun emplacement than a tank.

Other thing with simulated weapons is, a BB pelllet can be felt by a person, even if it hits you on the webbing. But how would the driver of a tank with a crew of lets say 3 know he'd been hit? - Hes behind 2-6" of steel, he isnt going to hear or feel a small foam projectile hit the tank. Could be very tricky, though im sure theres way's round it (like with lasers or something that would trip an alarm inside the tank to let the driver know he'd been hit) like in laserQUEST style.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 11:50   #9
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Again, it's all stuff you can work around. The guy doesn't have to "attach" C4, he can just tap the hull of the car with his hand; tap the vehicle "out", essentially.

The laser idea is easy to work, and you can set up a simple sensor that would trigger a light inside the tank to alert the driver that he's out, or something like an alarm.

I know that in so called "big games" in the states (specifically paintball) vehicles exist and are used. I've heard of dunes buggies, sedans, surplus light tanks and even helicopters (if you can believe that!). That means that there's not only precedent for this, but that guides on how to work this must exist somewhere...
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Old April 4th, 2006, 11:56   #10
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When I played paintball at one of the Wayne Dollack 24hr games bout 5-6 years back someone made a small tank out of a golf cart, plywood and some plexiglass. Was actually quite well done.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 12:06   #11
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Well, in GA (USA south). We are real big on nerf football launchers. There soft but when thay hit there very loud. So thats covered. I have a RPG-7 my self :-D . I think what we need to focus on the tank its self. I need a chep old golf cart. For under $1000 (USA). One for say $500 would be real good.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 12:19   #12
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Lotta paintball tank stuff out there...

Could be applicable to our sport.

Ummm...yeah I meant to say that. Didn't I?
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Old April 4th, 2006, 12:28   #13
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Pretty easy to do with one of these...

Get a very cheap/beat-up truck and put some plywood on it... bit of paint... and a few M60s...
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Old April 4th, 2006, 12:30   #14
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Im going for the 1/1 size tiger. I think I can do it.
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Old April 4th, 2006, 15:05   #15
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Originally Posted by Russianboy
Im going for the 1/1 size tiger. I think I can do it.
How will you make it? Even if its made from plywood or something your going to need a pretty big powerpack to haul it over all terrain, Have you thought about buying a dis-used quad bike and building it up ontop of that? Or you could make a mini tank like a schimitar:

What will the turret fire? - Some kind of foam projectile? How many crew will it have? Despite the fact i dont think a tank could be incorporated into most games id still be really interested to see how this turns out.
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