This "old" airsofter is still around, on the boards and playing in the field.
I've seen impressive player counts for OP: Border War I and now OP: Border War II. The biggest stumbling blocks over our U.S. brothers is total player count and kick ass facilities. The U.S. military sees airsoft as a recruitment opportunity.
I'm currently working on three distinctly different airsoft gaming series and two new fields with as much pyro, vehicles, smoke and effects I can cram into them, coupled with kick ass storylines and objectives. On paper, they look awesome!
And I'm afraid the pricing for these type of games will be higher to cover these added costs but I think at the end of the day it's the attention detail and good solid gaming that puts the shit eating grin on your face.
Airsoft in Ontario is far from dead.
P.S. Ah hell, that was my 666th post... I will be flamed for sure.
Whisper Kill