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Old July 28th, 2008, 11:27   #6
formerly Knyte
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Manitoba
Seems to be growing here too. You may want to look at paintball to make it feasible financially, I know when I was looking at starting a field here there definitely weren't enough airsoft numbers to make it work and paintball was going to be the bread and butter. If the airsoft players there are picky about getting the washable and in most cases wipable paint on their gear you could just do the reball or whatever it's called, where its the reusable rubber balls. That would probably supplement your income from the facility greatly depending on what kind of a paintball community you have there. Now, before some clown suggests I'm saying have the airsofter's play at the same time as the paintballer's, that isn't the case. Doing group bookings, 1/2 prepaid is the way to go in my books. But anyway, just thought I'd put in my .02 I think we need more places and best of luck if you go for this. I'll for sure try to get out to the opening game.
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