Originally Posted by Skladfin
a harder hop up rubber would help, Prometheus Hard, Firefly Hard... Guarder Hard..
+1 except in this order, firefly, Pro, guarder (
+1 to a bore-up kit
+1 to break in your TBB AND then clean it
If the hopup is backing off you might want a new hopup unit. I sounds like it is, this is common for m4/m16 hopups. Try a little white out on the wheel for a visual reference and check after the BBs start to dive. A full metal one might be better.
I'm surprised you want less ROF. Try it in semi. a high voltage battery will give to a much nicer response. IMO cosmetically, you should get a bigger scope. Its soo tiny compared to the AEG. How about a 3-9x50mm I/R mildot for $60US? (
You might want to wash your BBs in soap and water if you think they are not bone dry. This is common for some sniper grade ammo, coff! STRAIGHT BBs coff!, but I would only worry about it if there is a reason to believe they are slick.