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Old May 3rd, 2008, 16:13   #43
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
I've got a 15amp fuse on my gun and I'm running the M140 spring on it, the 9.6v 3800mAh battery which is actually like 3100-3200mAh SC cell. Well the fuse doesn't blow. I thought it would even with ITU gears it'd go over 15amps @ 9.6v... It's gotta be close to 15amps though because it gets real warm after a few shots. So its around 115-130watts which is like nothing so I'm pretty happy. Trigger responce is great! I'm really surprised by this Echo 1 motor. I herd people tell me a JG motor won't pull a M140 spring, even with ITU gears. Well it easially does. I bet it'd pull a M150 or even a M160 spring, but who would want a M160 spring...

I think I'm entirely done with upgrades now. The battery is fine. The trigger contacts are fine now so no MOSFET and I won't need new wire. I did change to the deans plugs which was a HUGE improvement from the old plugs! And the motor pulls it just fine, no new motor! Im happy! The sorbothane cylinder head should help relieve stress from the gearbox.
Thanks for the help guys! I'll keep all these ideas in mind if I eventually need to upgrade.
"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure." - Thomas Edison
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