City 17 Civil Protection (AKA metrocop) from
half-life 2.
Current version
My camera doesn't go very wide so it's difficult to get a full picture of myself.
It still isn't finished but I have enough parts thus far to actually get the impression. I am aware my hair sticks out of the top, but that is because it is a TIGHT fucking mask. Unbearably tight, actually. They come in one size, but CCCP people have small fucking heads.
To get this straight right away, unlike the
Master chief armour I do plan on selling this one on ebay eventually. I need it to fund my IRON MAN armour I am working on for Halloween.
I am tentively coming to a zombie game with as a
headcrab zombie.
To do list- Chest and shoulder reflectors
- Gloves
- duty belt
- combine rank sleeve
- reflective lenses
- head cowl (back of mask)
- voice box
- Get Freeman