If you email Terry at Extreme Fire and ask him for the SW-Comp parts kit he sells it for $30. What it is is just the SW-Comp unassembled. But I warn you that if you have poor soldering skills or got big clumsy hands then stay away. The thing is a PITA to put together if you have never assembled a PCB before. Few pics on the airsoftmechanics.com website of where people have assembled their kits so that you know what it should look like sort of. He also has the diagram up on his website and pictures of the front and back of the chip. Thanks goodness it is all open source. You could try sourcing the parts yourself, but getting the kit is probably easier. I have bought one and it was my first time assembling a PCB and it was an interesting experience. Terry is a good guy.
I think he also has a evolution kit(newer version of sw-comp with bigger breaking mosfet to take the beating of having low loads) but I have no idea if he is releasing that yet or how much it costs.