I looked at Mil-spec wire and it was $1.26per/ft and it was 14gauge .09" or like 2.01mm OD.
I also have a large SC 1800mAh Nicad battery that obviously works better than the mini batteries.
I went and picked up 2 pairs of Deans ultra connectors so I'm looking around for the sodering iron. Won't I have to resoder the wires on the trigger? Well to wire it to the back of the gun? I'll look at the rewire guide. I've got a double M16 mag pouch that'll serve as my battery holder.
Now don't kill me here... I ordered a 9.6v 3800mAh battery from all-battery in cali. I got the email about 3 hours later saying the order has been shipped. I should have it by friday. I've herd mixxed things about tenergy battery cells, some say they're great, others say mediocre. I herd the flaw is that they hold the 1.2-1.25voltage for a while but then suddenly drop off quickly, not holding good charge. It also says 35amp discharge, I doubt that. I herd I should be getting 19-20amps no sweat? Well that is if I put the M140 back in. I hope to spend a long night working on my gun, hopefully charging my new battery, putting the deans on, testing it with the M130, and hopefully being able to put the M140 in, I've got a event saturday. Plus the battey was $21...lol
Then once I get my new job I'll order a MOSFET, IRL1404 I believe, its got a 333watt Id I believe so that should work well. I guess I also need a P channel for active breaking. And I'll also get probably the Guarder ITU motor. I've herd its really good. I like wiring up stuff myself. I'd rather do it myself then pay $20 for a fully furbished piece.
After that I think I should have a pretty rockin gun!
Deep Fire gearbox and Sorbothane cylinder head should never break, even with a M140-M150.
Thanks for the help guys!
"Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure." - Thomas Edison