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Old April 28th, 2008, 13:51   #23
The Saint
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Originally Posted by ProbeJax View Post
I'm not saying I agree, however, I'm just saying people should understand why the real people are angry about things like this.
Because they can't distinguish the difference between imitation as a form of flattery, and outright mis-representation and lying?

Pieces of fabric don't make for an illustrious unit or membership in said unit, that honour is earned. If you've earned it, it's there whether you're buck naked or decked out for ceremonies. The idea of belonging to that special group shouldn't be so flimsy that the first person who offers to honour you through imitation is lynched. If only hockey players sued every fan that wore their special number.

That being said, one should show respect for those they wish to imitate by moderating the degree of imitation. I seem to recall a particular sensitivity over that maroon berret.
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."
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