NO, don't buy some naked mosfet. try here (free shipping)
no fuse
20amp resttable fuse
SW-Computer (Very nice)
Deans and wire
14ga at least (really) but the mosfet will come with wire and yes, Deans are a must. I like the Guarder torque motors but if you are saving money you have to cut expenses somewhere. I'm not saying to cut the motor but you might be able to do without all of it. You can't just use any wire, use the stuff that comes with the mosfet. Deans can be found in R/C hobby shops. If you ever feel your wires get warm then its time to upgrade. If you have issues fitting 14ga in your stuff try cutting out sections of the wrap and covering it in shrink wrap instead. If you don't want a big battery or battery bag you could also use a 7.4v 20c lipo. 1200-2000mah should do fine and you should be able to find one cheap (still need a charger though) and one that fits. Just measure your current pack that fits and pick one out. You'll need to get your shimming perfect but your stock motor will perform better and last longer with a lipo. A 7.4v is equivalent to a 9.6 with plenty of juice. Their architecture is much more efficient and its like comparing PC133 SDRAM to DDR3 with heat sinks and neon LEDs. And, since the voltage is so low your motor with stay cooler.
sorry, way too many options. Just stick to the battery and mosfet (new wires included).