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Old April 25th, 2008, 15:09   #19
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Jesus Naglafar, make the guy refuse to check his own thread why don't you!!! Next thing you know you'll have calculated and posted the amount of Joules each electron is hitting the plates of the capacitor at, and confusing the poor bugger even more! I read and understand your calcs, but literally it's show off stuff and not usefull stuff.

I HAVE set up high uF caps in parallel in my MP5SD in the past, and it literally only helps the battery last a bit longer when going through it's cycles by smoothing out the load/no load cycles the motor goes through, by using the cap's charge/discharge capability. Wasn't a noticable anything, but was worth trying. AND, adding caps doesn't increase the voltage of one's battery. Will just add that statement to my post.
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