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Old April 11th, 2008, 00:52   #25
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Alabama, USA
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Why is it such an issue whether the bearings are already in the shells or not? They're not THAT difficult to install...

Shimming them, however, requires extreme precision. Shimming of bearings has to be very accurate compared to bushings. It's easy to get fooled on how well they're shimmed because the bearings rotate on their own.

Failure to shim bearings properly can cause them to explode... which would destroy everything else in your gearbox. :P
1, I would rather not buy the tool
2, I have never done this
3, I having a really bad experience with airsoft right now and I second guessing my own abilities.

The shimming isn't the issue. I can get .025 stainless shims if its really necessary. I know just because I've got the gear it means I'll be fine. But I do have the patience.

If you have any advice I'll take it. A mentor in airsoft is priceless. In my area, there is not a single MB guru. I fend for myself, along with my one friend that has been at this for years, on the internet.

anyway, thanks I really appreciate you taking the time,

Originally Posted by Non Credo View Post
11.1 lipo, deans connectors, bypass fuse, keep the systema turbo, take 4 teeth off front of the front of the sector gear in a set of Pheonix Super High Cycle gears, (redwolf has them in), use a dremel tool for that, Angel Chopayya (sp) piston, (good luck finding one), tougher spring, will have to just test and cut coils off if over any fps limits, and as for swiss cheesing pistons... Bah! It does nothing noticeable. Ive also not noticed any difference in swapping out piston heads for a lighter one. And that will melt your switch. Just to let you know...

If that doesnt put you over 30 rps, I will eat my hat.

edit: oh and yeah.... shimming is important too.... AND GEAR & CYLINDER GREASE. USE IT.
Hurricanes high speeds are good gears, as are Modify high speed ratios. But the Pheonix ones... they are great gears.
yeah, 12.5v (charged) batteries and $200US+ of internals sounds like something I want to venture into. Thanks for the advice though.
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