I have read threw a few of ROF setup threads but some of them did not finish completely, people just stop posting. In this thread,
http://forums.airsoftmechanics.com/i...hp?topic=282.0 , short stroking was recommended but results were not given. I would like to know more about an alternative to short stroking. I am already using a 330-340FPS spring and would not like to loose much more FPS. I'm getting a good ROF but I would like more and I have now gone through a second set of gears in about 600 rounds.

:-[ I have also seen a few thread on angle of engagement,
http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/in...howtopic=97416 , but I don't understand this concept or how to apply it properly.
SP90 spring
type 2 cylinder
swiss cheesed piston (~15g w/ POM head)
Systema high speed motor
9.6v 2000mah
6mm bushings
Currently the AEG shoots around 25rps but I would like 30+, 35rps would be ideal. How far can this be taken before I find myself in my MB, replacing gears and pistons not maintenance, every other month? Anybody, experienced with rof (low FPS) setups please, SCHOOL ME!
My sector gears and spur gears contacting teeth are starting to bend toward each other. In my last set the spur teeth look as if they were wiped side ways. The pictures are of my first set which looks to be a much worse result but caused by the same problems. This wear is another kind weird.
I checked out my bushings and gear axles and I don't see anything that stands out. I might not be good I seeing the problem though. If you see anything that look fishy, each picture of bushings has a number above it.






sorry about some of the quality. I did this with what I have, a webcam.
I don't want to just trial an error my way through anymore sets of gears. If TM gears can't handle the load I'll have the use another set that cost 3x the price os TM. I'll use Prometheus high speed gears when things are sorted out but I can't replace those, to expensive.
Side note: will the high speed gears change the AoE since they have a different ratio/number of teeth? By how much?