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Old February 21st, 2008, 16:15   #266
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people who pretend they were in the marines.

people who dont call hits.

people who complain when you shoot them.

people who dont call their hits, but complain when they're shot in the face.

mercy rules. especially people who yell mercy and then shoot you.

idiots who dont wear the proper protective gear.

people who dont like m203's. learn to deal with it. just because you cant afford one doesnt mean everyone else should drop their gear setup to match your income level.

glowstick grenades.

people who lack comms dicipline.

people who lack light dicipline.

people who lack dicipline outright that should just STFU.

14 year old airsofters who cry when they get shot.

50 year old airsofter dads who complain when their kids get shot.

guys who pick fights at airsoft games.

tigerstripe cammo.

people in alberta that wear cadpat.

huang eotech clones.

canadian customs.

soccer moms.
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