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Old January 8th, 2008, 17:03   #40
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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Location: In your bedroom going though your underwear drawer
Trades are a bit of a sore point with KJW for me too, although in the end, that's just cosmetic. When you're out in the field shooting at someone, what you have inscribed on the side of the gun is meaningless. If I'm buying it as a collector's piece or have some theme in mind (like the C8 metal body I just got for my TM M4), then they mean something.

My WA 92FS with all the trades is the cosmetic gem of my collection. It's the one of the sexiest looking pistols I've ever held, airsoft, pellet, or real steel. But in the end, I very much doubt I'd ever use it in the field, because to me, the performance is lacking compared to my other pistols. The accuracy is there at short (20 foot) ranges, but not enough power or range compared to my M9 or Glock. But as a collector's item, I love it, and it always gets a "WOW!" or some other positive reactions when I take it out to show it to someone. To me, that's its main purpose - to look pretty.

In the end, as long as it shoots straight, hard, has good range, and performs reliably, that's what really matters to me, not trademarks. And my M9 hasn't failed me yet. Although it hasn't seen field use yet, it's shot more BBs than many people's guns that are used in the field regularly, and for me, that says that the gun is solid and reliable. And it will be my primary pistol for any outdoor games for that very reason.

Now if only the mags were as reliable as the gun itself, I would consider it the perfect pistol. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I really wish I could find another brand of magazine that works with KJW.

That being said though, I too would prefer a TM with a metal slide and plastic body over an all metal KJW. They are definitely made of higher quality materials.
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