Thread: M-14 EBR
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Old November 30th, 2007, 18:26   #126
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I'm using the Krylon Camouflage Paint System spray cans which most of you know and are quite easy to purchase. The colors are Olive Drab, Brown, Khaki and Black.

Using the olive and brown spray cans, I'll apply random broad streaks of each color on the entire gun. Something like what you would see on a simple camouflage gun.

Go into your garden or where ever and gather a bunch of overgrown grass, weeds, plants and roots. Place a handful of whatever you gathered on the olive section of the gun and overspray it with a different color. Try to have the vegetation lie flat on the surface so that you can get a sharp masking line before you start applying the different color. Placing the weed in random angle will also give you that wild growth look. Spray lightly. You can add more paint but it's a bitch if you start having runs because you applied too much paint.

Continue with this down the length of the gun. Always overspraying a different color over the base color. You can redo certain areas over again with the same method. Using the khaki in small shots makes it look like you're seeing the sun behind the grass.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
: Special Battalion East-(SBE-01)
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