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Old July 2nd, 2007, 23:15   #27
I am memel, hear me roar!
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Mt. Pleasant, On.
Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Its interesting I think.
Every country has their own camouflage pattern, thats what makes the countries soo unique. German flektarn, Canadian Cadpat, US Marpat ripoff of Canadian CADpat, Tigerstripes, etc etc.

And by the way, the US is a FAR bigger threat to the western world than China. In fact, If the US goes AWOL, China is the ONLY country with a large enough military to stand up to it. Furthermore, China has not made an agressive move in decades, while the US invades new countries every week. Former ALLIED Countries I might add. You forget, The US was on the North Vietnamese side in the beginning of the war and gave them their equipment and weapons, The taliban were AMERICAN trained and armed, their tunnels were dug by US Soldiers. Im not even Chinese and i can see how arrogant that statement is. And Chinese people from my experience are the MOST organized, Hardest working Industrious people I have ever met. I dont think I even have to compare for most people to know what i mean. You wouldnt have this luxurious life you live now if it wasnt for Underpaid Hard working Chinese Laborers.
Blah, blah, least spell 'Flecktarn' right next time.

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