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Old June 5th, 2007, 23:09   #14
Lego Head
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Gatineau, that's right I'm in QUEBEC!
mask off the lenses and base coat it OD. Pick up Krylon OD, Tan and Black at your local Canadian Tire, and just match up the pattern. It looks like you'd just do vertical strokes with the can to match up the areas.

You could always remove the bolt, tape up the trigger/mag well/hop up area/and the rubber stock and repaint to get a new pattern with the scope mounted to it to get the same follow through.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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