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Old April 10th, 2018, 10:35   #4
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Oromocto
when it comes to brands, it really all depends on what upgrades you are looking to do, I primarily only deal with hop, barrel, mag, related stuff myself as most of my set ups are hpa as it is (doesn't mean that I wont do work on an aeg, just means that there are others out there a lot more experienced in that field than I am. if you have a gun and the part that you want swapped out, then yes I can certainly do that for the owner). at the same time, almost every new part that you swap out/replace, you will need to rework a few other parts in your gun to make sure they mesh well with each other as well. so if you have an idea on where/what upgrades you are looking into, then I can certainly offer what little advice I do have, or I will point you in the direction of someone who will likely know more than I would about a given part/brand
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.
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