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Old May 21st, 2016, 12:49   #1
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Finding grease for pistols

Considering most of the newer TMs are metal on metal rails now, would it be better to find alternatives to pure silicone oil/greases? I've been reading pure silicone oil/grease isn't that great with metal on metal contact.

My preference would be a grease with PTFE, but internet searches are not pulling up very many results that are plastic, metal, and rubber safe. SuperLube is something I use on my bike and flashlights, but we only have a really old aerosol can that I end up spraying into old bottlecaps (clean!) and waiting for a majority of the carrier to evaporate. Sourcing SuperLube seems incredibly difficult right now, with the only option I can find being the 3oz tube of 21030 on amazon CA (does not play well with natural rubber, but I'm not sure what's used for mag seals/orings in the guns).

Lithium grease gets mentioned here quite often, but how well does it play with the ABS frames?
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