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Old October 25th, 2015, 22:33   #11
wind_comm's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Calgary/Vancouver
Originally Posted by chaz View Post
Molybdenum disulfide - this is a dry lubricant used all over the place. I believe it is plastic safe and bonds well to whatever surface you apply it to.

I used a jigaloo dry graphite in the past and it faired well. It warns that some plastics may be affected.
I'm trying to find some loose moly disulfide powder to experiment on my pistols with but it's either for extremely small quantities or 100's of dollars. by and large, thenormal grease compounds from cambodian tire or whatnot are full of petroleum distillates and aren't meant for plastics and rubbers.

also be forewarned, whatever jigaloo uses in their products as propellant is some wicked gnarly stuff. I've heard of it eating up plastics and rubber to the point where you might think it was the cookie monster and some cookies. when I want all those solvents, I'll buy them separately thank you very much.
too busy tinkering to play.

Last edited by wind_comm; October 25th, 2015 at 22:36..
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