I have always been curious about air soft sniper roles , specifically using a spring gun ,..but have always stayed away from it mainly because after lots lots of reading it seems no matter what gun you get your dumping another 500 bux or so into it , to bring it up to a fps & accuracy to be even slightly useful ,..& most seem to say its boring & frustrating ,..Now I'm older & would have no problem laying in the forest for a few hours looking through binoculars & reporting movements to a team,..& taking the occasional shot at an enemy lmg or something ..as opposed to constantly running around all day ..but I would not want to spend upwards of 1500 bux just to get the rifle to do that , So i essentially forget about it , but read up on the sniper threads & videos ,..but every once in a while I come across a video or thread , where someone is using a close to stock gun , with maybe only accuracy upgrades & reporting doing well with it ,..Is that even possible ? I read of 500fps+ money pits ,..& yet some are actually successfully playing with 350+ plus fps successfully ?
I would like to hear from those that are satisfied playing with a lower fps sniper rifle & how they do it ,..is it because of field size , or dense cover ? I am not very fluent in french ,..but this vid seems to show a 350fps bolt