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Old August 29th, 2015, 23:47   #1
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Saskatchewan
Chest rig for the "Husky" gentlemen

Hello! New to site and looking at getting started into airsoft. Now I have ordered a rifle, few mags, good goggles and face protector. So while I wait I'm looking at chest rigs for the Huskier guys out there. I came across a previous thread on here about going to tactical tailor for a mav. Another person mentioned a wasatch. I'm completely new to these type of things and don't know anyone personally that owns one that I could check out or try on. In 6'2 350 lbs so I'm a big boy. So will either of these work for me? I think the wasatch could if not atleast jerry rig the side straps a bit but hard to spend 250 American for a maybe fit. I know I have seen pics of other guys rigs layer out and measured total length but can't find anything like that for these or a rig that's still being made. Or any suggestions? Thanks!
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